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Ioan-Aurel POP: "The historical discourse and the 100 years jubilee of our unifications" ("Der historische Diskurs und das Hundertjahresjubiläum unserer Vereinigungen")

Philippe PIERRE: "Pour une approche du management interculturel placée sous la figure du rhizome" ("Towards an intercultural management under the figure of the rhizome")

Vlad MUREŞAN : "The Japanese Idea"

Péter KRUZSLICZ: "L'équilibre des balances : le contrôle de la constitutionnalité de l'action de l'Union et des États membres" ("The equilibrium of balances: the control of constitutionality of the Union and the member States")

Mariella OLIVOS ROSSINI / Stella TIPPIN de MALPICA: "Expanding experiential learning opportunities to alumni for the development of job-search skills: A case in a Peruvian university"

Werner MÜLLER-PELZER: "The work of the historian. Observations from a phenomenological perspective" ("The method of the historian. Observations from a phenomenological perspective");
"The methaphors of the rhizome and the archipelago. Observations concerning the article of Philippe PIERRE" ("The metaphors of rhizome and archipelago. Observations concerning the article of Phillipe PIERRE");
"El clima de innovación en la empresa. Observaciones fenoménológicas" ("The innovative climate in a company. Phenomenological observations")


The publication of issue 10 of the e-journal impEct is also a small anniversary: since 2005, impEct has been publishing a wide range of articles with an international or intercultural focus. The articles come from authors from different countries and are written in German, French, Spanish and English. The claim formulated from the outset to do justice to European multilingualism - indicated by the capital E in impEct - is thus fulfilled.

Multidisciplinarity was also part of the program: articles on history, business administration, technical language, economics, philosophy and phenomenology, cultural studies, education, European studies and cultural philosophy can now be found. A list of authors who published in impEct between 2005 and 2018 can be found in the appendix.

impEct has become the publication organ of the Research Center for Intercultural and European Studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and thus has a solid institutional connection.

In keeping with the small anniversary, number 10 presents ambitious essays that - each in their own way - shed light on the intellectual situation of the time.

It all starts with a historian: Prof. Dr. Ioan-Aurel POP, Rector of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and President of the Romanian Academy of Sciences since 2018, contributes an essay entitled: "The historical discourse and the centenary of our associations". For him, the centenary of the state of Romania is the occasion to shed light on the historian's working method between empirical-positive reasoning and hermeneutic hypothesis testing. At the same time, the reflections are instructive for the understanding of a Europe of nations.

The following is the French contribution by Philippe PIERRE, PhD, sociologist, consultant and former Director of Human Resources. Director of Human Resources, now co-director of the Master in Intercultural Management at the University of Paris-Dauphine. The title: "Pour une approche du management interculturel placée sous la figure du rhizome" refers to a bridge between intercultural management and philosophy. The author starts from the experiences of international managers with changing identities and recognizes the philosophical motif of decentration in contemporary philosophy, as it has been made known in France since the end of the 20th century through the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari. While the current literature on intercultural management still ascribes too much importance to the formative power of the source culture (e.g. Hofstede) and a pyramidal abstraction scheme prevails, P. PIERRE sees the concept of the "rhizome" (Deleuze/Guattari), the non-hierarchical network of roots, as a more appropriate image for the experiences of people working internationally.

In third place is the article by Assistant Professor Dr. Vlad MUREŠAN, philosopher at the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. The essay "The Japanese Idea" is the continuation of two articles already published in impEct 8 and impEct 9 on the "Russian contradiction" and the "Chinese idea". With cultural-philosophical competence, it provides an insight into the historically shaped self-image of global political actors, which flows into their current and future actions. It is instructive to understand how Japan has developed a specific type of civilization over the centuries, based on adaptation to the new and loyalty to its own roots. The Japanese "idea" and the dialectical resolution of the contradiction between centrifugal and centripetal forces that it expresses should be very instructive for Europe. It will therefore be of particular interest to be able to read the author's characterization of Europe and its relationship to the USA in the near future.

Dr. Péter KRUZSLICZ, Assistant Professor at the Institut d'études internationales et régionales and at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, addresses a highly topical issue in his essay: "L'équilibre des balances : le contrôle de la constitutionnalité de l'action de l'Union et des États membres": the dispute over competences between the European constitutional jurisdiction and the national constitutional courts. According to the author's thesis, the EU creates its own legal framework sui generis, without a democratic procedure and without original sovereignty. In doing so, it is "constitutionalizing itself".
The now far-reaching transnational impact of European constitutional jurisdiction makes a dispute between the two parties over the supremacy of the constitution seem unfruitful; Kruzslicz therefore argues in favor of establishing the principle of a national constitutional identity, which could be used in practice to challenge decisions of the ECJ that are perceived as excessive. In this context, reference should be made to the EU-critical view of Dieter Grimm (Europa ja - aber welches?, Munich: C.H. Beck, 2014) and his proposals.

The following is a joint report by two colleagues from the University of ESAN Lima, Peru: Prof. Dr. Mariella OLIVOS ROSSINI, Intercultural Management and International Business, and Stella TIPPIN de MALPICA, M.A., Intercultural Management, Organizational Psychology and Business English, supervised the following project: "Expanding experiential learning opportunities to alumni for the development of job-search skills: A case in a Peruvian university".
The focus is on the need to use the method of technology-supported blended learning to train Peruvian students to perceive and deal with intercultural situations and to develop an attitude in them that has a positive effect on employment in internationally active companies. It seems to be confirmed that the facilitation of interactivity through new media and their intelligent mix is a good preparation for international business contacts and negotiations.

Dr. Werner MÜLLER-PELZER takes Prof. POP's essay on Romanian history as an opportunity for a fundamental discussion: "The work of the historian. Notes from a phenomenological perspective". He explains the significance of situations as opposed to constellations (according to Hermann Schmitz) - a distinction that affects all academic disciplines that work partly or mainly hermeneutically and not purely quantitatively.
In the course of technical and economic globalization, the scientific method of world empowerment has conquered the scientific universities and with it the model of "human capital individualism" (R. Münch). However, this model comes into conflict with the universities' self-commitment to educate the enlightened, self-responsible citizen (Kant) in the sense of the European style of civilization in addition to technical skills.

In addition, Dr. Werner MÜLLER-PELZER attempts to place the author's theoretical approach in the professional discussion under the title: "The methaphors of the rhizome and the archipelago. Notes on Philippe PIERRE's essay", Dr. Werner MÜLLER-PELZER attempts to place the author's theoretical approach in the professional discussion. In France as in Germany, intercultural sociology strives to connect with the current philosophical discussion. However, both milieus know little about the other "de l'autre côté du Rhin". The fact that there may well be points of contact will be briefly hinted at. At the same time, the gap that needs to be bridged reminds us that European languages remain irreplaceable media not only for international understanding, but also for academic exchange.

It follows the résumé of the article by Dr. Werner MÜLLER-PELZER entitled: "El clima de innovación en la empresa. Observaciones fenoménológicas", which will soon be published in full in a Spanish-language journal. The text, which goes back to the IMAT conference at ESIC Valencia in March 2018, uses the neophenomenological method to better understand the impact of shared atmospheres on the emergence and persistence of creative situations.

In last place is the table listing the authors of impEct from 2005 to 2018.

in March 2019

Werner Müller-Pelzer

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