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Perspektive DEmenz. INklusionsförderung durch sozialräumliche Organisation, inklusionsfördernden Raum und personenzentrierte Technik

Fast facts

About the project

DEIN*ORT-Perspektive DEmenz. Promoting inclusion through socio-spatial organization, inclusion-promoting space and person-centered technology

The research project "DEIN*ORT" looks at the topic of inclusion in the context of public space. The project, including the doctorate, examines the potential of this space for different age groups who use it. The perspective of the group of people with dementia living in Germany, which will double to around 3 million by 2050, is also included. This also addresses the approximately 3 million carers who support a person with dementia. Both groups are experiencing increasing alienation from their previous lives as well as exclusion from the public sphere, isolation and marginalization.

As symptoms increase, people with dementia suffer less from their illness itself and more from exclusion and the loss of a sense of security and familiarity. They therefore need an environment and support that adapts to them and their needs. However, it is not enough to simply meet certain structural standards or provide physical space. Rather, the extent to which these spaces can also be changed in terms of processes and tailored to each individual is crucial for adapting the personal environment of people with dementia

Friederike Asche (Scientific Project Manager)

The research project "DEIN*ORT" aims to improve the quality of life by designing places in public spaces for many different groups of people in a way that promotes inclusion and can be changed through processes. In addition to structural and social solutions, person-centered local technical aids, coupled with social assistance, are being developed and evaluated together with the target group. Among other things, these should help to avoid interruptions in care and relieve the burden on relatives. Digital technologies are used in the project to enable vulnerable groups to participate and lead a more fulfilling life.

The DEIN*ORT project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between applied social sciences, architecture and IT(IDiAL). A cooperative doctorate is being sought as part of the project.

Logo Funding body Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Funding code


Cooperation/project partners

  • AWO-Eugen-Krautscheidthaus
  • Alzheimergesellschaft Dortmund e.V.
  • Kreuzviertelverein e.V.
  • CP contech electronic GmbH
  • die Urbanisten e.V.
  • Soziales Zentrum Dortmund e.V.
  • post welters + partner mbB (Architekten & Stadtplaner BDA/SRL)
  • Elfi Pflegeteam
  • Stadt Dortmund
  • 3 Kooperationspartner*innen an drei verschiedenen Orten in Dortmund

Contact & Team

Contact person & scientific director


Portrait von Prof.in Dr. Stefanie Kuhlenkamp __ Portrait of Prof.in Dr. Stefanie Kuhlenkamp
Prof.in Stefanie Kuhlenkamp, Dr.
  • +49 231 91124911
Office hours

An appointment for an online consultation can be booked via the following link: https://terminplaner6.dfn.de/de/b/16d60df0ee9ca110d1bf2dc7ab809f02-32034


Portrait von Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff __ Portrait of Prof. Dr. Carsten Wolff
Prof. Carsten Wolff, Dr.
Office hours

by arrangement by email

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