About the person
- Graebsch, C. & Meyer-Falk, T. (2024): A conversation about the experience of preventive detention. Criminological Journal, Issue 4 pp. 325-335.
- Graebsch, C. (2024): Procedural injustice: prisoner legal protection and legal reality. New Criminal Policy, 36(4), 452-467. https://doi.org/10.5771/0934-9200-2024-4-452
- Graebsch, C. (2024): Discrimination against non-German prisoners and ex-prisoners. BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe, Issue 1, pp. 39-42.
- Graebsch, C. (2024): Krimmigrationsrecht - Verflechtung (jugend-)strafrechtlicher mit migrationsrechtlicher Kontrolle, in: DVJJ (ed.): Recht auf Jugend - 100 Jahre Jugendgerichtsgesetz, Dokumentation des 32. Deutschen Jugendgerichtstages vom 15. bis 18. September 2023 in Berlin, Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg, pp. 197-209.
- Graebsch, C. (2024): Preventive detention - and no end? An interdisciplinary stocktaking based on the conference of the same name at the Fachhochschule Dortmund (Prison Archive) from March 5-7, 2024. in: Forum Strafvollzug, Issue 4, pp. 293-298.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Prison system and preventive detention. From individualization to resocialization - and back again. In: INDES. Journal for Politics and Society. Issue 4, pp. 7-16. https://www.vandenhoeck-ruprecht-verlage.com/media/pdf/2a/ce/db/9783647800400_sample.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Restorative justice in the penal system? In: VOM Magazine 02/23, pp. 30-33.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): The penal system and the poverty spiral. In: Cilip: Civil Rights & Police 133, November 2023, pp. 32-40.
- Burkhardt, S.-U. & Graebsch, C. (2023): Ageing and enforcement: corresponding experiences. In: Ghanem, C., Hostettler, U., Wilde, F. (eds.): Age, delinquency and imprisonment. Edition Research and Development in Criminal Justice. Springer VS, Wiesbaden. S. 257-285.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Strengths and Weaknesses of the Judicial Protection in Germany. In: Gaëtan Cliquennois (ed.) The Evolving Protection of Prisoners' Rights, London/New York: Routledge, pp. 98-110.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Resocialization with non-German citizenship. In: Heinz Cornel, Christian Ghanem, Gabriele Kawamura-Reindl, Ineke Pruin (eds.): Resozialisierung, 5th edition, Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlag, pp. 437-450.
- Graebsch, C. & Knop, J. (2023): Talking about or with "convicts"? - Possibilities and limits of "convict criminology" in Germany. In: Criminological Journal, Issue 2, pp. 158-166.
- Graebsch, C. & Ross, J. (2023): In conversation: Convict Criminology. In: Kriminologisches Journal, Issue 2, pp. 167-174. https://content-select.com/de/portal/media/download_oa/645e03de-df28-4db4-9669-70d9ac1b0009
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Detention pending deportation to avert danger. Preventive detention for non-Germans? In: Benjamin Derin et al. (eds.), Fundamental Rights Report. Zur Lage der Bürger- und Menschenrechte in Deutschland, Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Taschenbuch-Verlag, pp. 55-58.
- Graebsch, C. & Storgaard, A. (2023): Prison leave and access to justice: Some insight into Danish and German law in action. In: Oñati Socio-Legal Series, 13(4), pp. 1298-1329. doi: 10.35295/osls.iisl/0000-0000-0000-1355. Online: https://opo.iisj.net/index.php/osls/article/view/1502
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Commentary on the following provisions in BeckOK Strafvollzugsrecht Sachsen, ed.Sönke Gerhold: § Section 96 SächsStVollzG Criminological research; Section 110 SächsStVollzG Restriction of fundamental rights; Section 88 SächsJStVollzG Criminological research; Section 102 SächsJStVollzG Restriction of fundamental rights; Section 97 SächsSVVollzG Restriction of fundamental rights; § Section 109 SächsSVVollzG Restriction of fundamental rights; Section 88 SächsUHaftVollzG Criminological research; Section 89 SächsUHaftVollzG Restriction of fundamental rights; Section 7 SächsJVollzSichG Restriction of fundamental rights, since 20. Edition 2023.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Commentary on the following provisions in BeckOK Strafvollzugsrecht Rheinland-Pfalz (RhPfLJVollzG), ed.: Sönke Gerhold: § 115 Interference with mobile phone traffic; §§ 116-117 Penal detention; § 118 Administrative provisions; § 119 Restriction of fundamental rights, since 19th edition 2023.
- Graebsch, C. (2023): Commentary on the following provisions in BeckOK Sicherungsverwahrungsvollzugsrecht Rheinland-Pfalz (RhPfLSVVollzG), ed.: Sönke Gerhold: § 105 Interference with mobile phone traffic; § 107 Restriction of fundamental rights; since 19th edition 2023.
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Prison work, resocialization and recognition. In: Forum Strafvollzug, issue 4, pp. 264-267.
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Desistance research, critical criminology and the practice of offender support. Editorial to the special issue. In: Kriminologisches Journal 54th vol. 3, pp. 173-180, Open Access: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungswissenschaft/zeitschriften/kriminologisches_journal/49361-kriminologisches-journal-3-2022.html
- Fitzgibbon, W., Graebsch, C. & McNeill, F. (2022): All-pervasive sentencing continuum: the experience of outpatient sanctions. In: Criminological Journal 54th vol. 3, pp. 199-218.
- Graebsch, C. & Hofinger, V. (2022): Why critical criminologists (should) engage with desistance research. In: Criminological Journal 54th vol. 3, pp. 219-226.
- Graebsch, C. & Maruna, S. (2022): Desistance research and critical criminology: a conversation. In: Kriminologisches Journal 54, Vol. 3, pp. 244 - 252. Open Access: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungswissenschaft/zeitschriften/kriminologisches_journal/artikel/49410-desistance-research-and-critical-criminology-a-conversation.html
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Crimmigration and pre-crime in German law. Connecting the international debate to the German national (legal) context. In: Kriminologisches Journal 54th vol. 1, pp. 16-35, Open Access: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungswissenschaft/zeitschriften/kriminologisches_journal/artikel/48449-crimmigration-and-pre-crime-in-german-law.html
- Althoff, M. & Graebsch, C. (2022): Crimmigration: the fusion of crime and migration. In: Kriminologisches Journal 54th vol. 1, pp. 3-15. https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/erziehungswissenschaft/zeitschriften/kriminologisches_journal/artikel/48447-crimmigration-die-verschmelzung-von-kriminalitaet-und-migration.html
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Research in and on the penal system: independent performance review or closed system? In: Control and performance review in the prison system. Edited by W. Wirth, Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 401-418.
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Treatment of prisoners in the penal system. In: Criminology and social work. Edited by: Arbeitskreis HochschullehrerInnen Kriminologie/Straffälligenhilfe in der Sozialen Arbeit, 2nd ed. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa.
S. 227-238.
- Graebsch, C. (2022): What works? An examination of the possibilities and limits of scientifically based crime prevention. In: Criminology and social work. Edited by: Arbeitskreises HochschullehrerInnen Kriminologie/Straffälligenhilfe in der Sozialen Arbeit, 2nd ed. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. S. 79-92.
- Cornel, H., Graebsch, C., Höynck, T.; König, A., Lindenberg, M., Mönig, U., Schneider, S. & Trenczek, T. (2022): Attitudes towards punishment among social work students. A criminological survey at seven universities in Germany. In: Criminology and social work. Edited by: Arbeitskreises HochschullehrerInnen Kriminologie/Straffälligenhilfe in der Sozialen Arbeit, 2nd ed. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. S. 93-110.
- Graebsch, C. (2022): Before § 92 LandesR, § 92 LandesR: evaluation, criminological research, § 99 LandesR: representation of prisoners' interests, § 103 LandesR: advisory board, foreign prisoners. All in: Feest, Johannes/ Lesting, Wolfgang/ Lindemann, Michael (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetze. Commentary, 8th edition. Hürth: Carl Heymanns Verlag/Wolters Kluwer.
- Graebsch, C. (2021): "Crimmigration" with a view to young refugee men*. In: Boys' Work NRW (ed.): Focus on specialist forums. Somehow here! Flight - Migration - Masculinities, p. 6-9. Video: https://mediathek-jugendarbeit.de/crimmigration-mit-blick-auf-gefluechtete-junge-maenner/
- Feest, J., Graebsch, C. & Schorsch, M. (2021): Corona in the penal system and prison. In: vorgänge, Journal for Civil Rights and Social Policy No. 234 [60(2)], pp. 5-20. https://www.humanistische-union.de/publikationen/vorgaenge/234-vorgaenge/publikation/corona-im-justiz-und-massregelvollzug/
- Graebsch, C. (2021): The Prison Archive: Prisoner counseling, research and teaching. In: Forum Strafvollzug, issue 5, pp. 316-317.
- Graebsch, C. (2021): Keyword: criminal law, punishment; keyword: penal system. Both in: Kreft/Mielenz Wörterbuch Soziale Arbeit, eds: Ralph-Christian Amthor, Brigitta Goldberg, Peter Hansbauer, Benjamin Landes, Theresia Wintergerst, 9th edition, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 895-897 and 897-899.
- Ghanem, C. & Graebsch, C. (2021): Desistance-oriented social work in probation services. In: Probation services. Theorie und Praxis eines Handlungsfeldes Sozialer Arbeit, ed.: Heinz Cornel & Gabriele Kawamura-Reindl, Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, pp. 132-144.
- Graebsch, C. & von Borstel, M. (2021): The threat of deportation. Options for action and legal protection. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
- Cornel, H., Graebsch, C., Höynck, T., König, A., Lindenberg, M., König, A., Schneider, S. & Trenczek, T. (2021): Punitive attitudes among social work students. A criminological survey at seven universities in Germany. In: New Criminal Policy, vol. 33, issue 2, pp. 222-238.
- Graebsch, C. (2021): Social exclusion through imprisonment and other crime-related confinement. In: Handbook of Social Exclusion and Social Work, ed.: Roland Anhorn & Johannes Stehr. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 1125-1140.
- Graebsch, C. & Schorsch, M. (2021): Police risk prediction manuals in (juvenile) criminal proceedings. In: Journal of Juvenile Criminal Law and Youth Welfare, Issue 1, pp. 26-31.
- Schorsch, M. & Graebsch, C. (2020): GERMANY - Covid-19 shows substantial problems in the German prison system. In: ANTIGONE Ano XV N. 1: Have Prisons Learnt Fromprisons learnt from Covid-19? How The World Has Reacted To The Pandemic Behind Barsthe world has reacted to the pandemic behind bars, pp. 47-53. https://www.antigone.it/rivista-archivio/Rivista_Anno_XV_N1/06_Germany.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2020): Criminal migration in German law. In: Grafl et al. (eds.), "Sag, wie hast du's mit der Kriminologie?" - Die Kriminologie im Gespräch mit ihren Nachbardisziplinen, Mönchengladbach: Verlag Godesberg, pp. 697-714.
- Graebsch, C. (2020): Criminal migration in the confliction of police and migration law. Pre-crime, ban-opticon and preventive detention. In: Criminological Journal vol. 52, issue 2, pp. 176-187.
- Ghanem, C. & Graebsch, C. (2020): 'Desistance from Crime' - Theoretical perspectives on the exit from delinquency. In: D. Deimel & T. Köhler (eds.): Delinquency and Social Work: Prevention - Counselling - Resocialization. Textbook for study and practice. Lengerich: Pabst, pp. 61-75.
- Graebsch, C. (2020): The professor's costume. In: J. Reuter, M. Gamper, C. Möller & F. Blome (eds.): From working-class child to professorship. Social advancement in science. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 193-206.
- Graebsch, C.; von Borstel, M., Kämper, T. (2020): Residence law processing of the "Wegweiser für Inhaftierte, Entlassene und deren Familien", ed: Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft für Straffälligenhilfe, das medienhaus, pp. 1-206, especially 22-29; 79-83. https://www.bag-s.de/materialien/wegweiser
- Graebsch, C. (2019): "Ueli Hostettler, Irene Marti, Marina Richter Lebensende im Justizvollzug. Prisoners, institutions, authorities" (Review) In: Kriminologisches Journal, Issue 4, pp. 320-324.
- Graebsch, C. (2019): "Krimmigration: Die Verwobenheit strafrechtlicher mit migrationsrechtlicher Kontrolle unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Pre-Crime-Rechts für "Gefährder" In: Criminology - The Online Journal, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 75-102. https://www.kriminologie.de/index.php/krimoj/article/view/9
- Graebsch, C. (2019): Legal foundations: of patronizing protection, precarious adulthood and crimmigrant bodies. In: K. Nowacki & S. Remiorz (eds.), Young refugees in youth welfare. Opportunities and challenges of integration (pp. 7-24). Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Graebsch, C. (2019): No Prison?! - On the abolition of prisons (review). In: BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe, 27th vol. 1, pp. 62-65. https://bag-s.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Infodienst_1-2019_fuer_Infodienst.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2019): Desistance focus and the penal system. On ending delinquency-influenced phases of life. In: Forum Strafvollzug, issue 2, pp. 39-43.
- Graebsch, C. (2019): The Dangers of the Rule of Law and the European Convention on Human Rights. From preventive detention and "unsound mind" to pre-crime custody? In: I. Goeckenjan, J. Puschke, & T. Singelnstein (eds.), Für die Sache - Kriminalwissenschaften aus unabhängiger Perspektive. Festschrift for Ulrich Eisenberg on his 80th birthday (pp. 312-325). Berlin: Dunker & Humblot.
- Graebsch, C. (2019): On the legal theory of drug prohibition. In: R. Feustel, H. Schmidt-Semisch & U. Bröckling (eds.), Handbuch Drogen in sozial- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive, Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, pp. 367-379.
- Graebsch, C. (2018): "Evidence orientation of criminal sanctions - opportunities, risks and side effects" In: Walsh, Maria/Pniewski, Benjamin/Kober, Marcus/Armborst, Andreas (eds.): Evidence-based crime prevention in Germany. A guide for policy and practice. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2018, pp. 205-235.
- Graebsch, C. (2018): Risk orientation versus desistance orientation of offender support. The international academic debate and the situation in the UK. In: BAG-S Informationsdienst Straffälligenhilfe, 26th volume, issue 2, pp. 29-35. https://www.bag-s.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/Infodienst/Infodienst_2-2018_fuer_Homepage.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2018): Victim-offender mediation in the prison system. In: VOM magazine, No. 02/August 2018, pp. 32-33.
- Graebsch, C. (2018): Resocialization with non-German citizenship. In: Cornel, Heinz/ Kawamura-Reindl, Gabriele/ Sonnen, Bernd Rüdeger (eds.): Resozialisierung: Handbuch, Nomos, 4th edition 2018, pp. 433-448.
- Graebsch, C. (2018): What works? Who cares? Evidence-based crime prevention and the reality of youth crime policy. In: Dollinger, Bernd/ Schmidt-Semisch, Henning (eds.): Handbuch Jugendkriminalität, Springer VS, 3rd edition 2018, pp. 197-216.
- Graebsch, C. (2018): Law and legal reality in the juvenile justice system. In: Dollinger, Bernd/ Schmidt-Semisch, Henning (eds.): Handbuch Jugendkriminalität, Springer VS, 3rd edition 2018, pp. 689-709.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2017): Comment of the submitters on the decision of the BVerfG of 24.7.2017 (2 BvR 1487/17). In: Information letter on immigration law, issue 11/12, pp. 436-437.
- Graebsch, C. (2017): Goffman, Erving: Asylees. On the social situation of psychiatric patients and other inmates. In: Schlepper, Christina/ Wehrheim, Jan (eds.): Schlüsselwerke der Kritischen Kriminologie, Weinheim: Beltz Juventa, pp. 118-129.
- Graebsch, C. (2017): Precrime and the penal system. Resocialization claim and the situation of prisoners on prognosis-dependent release. In: Critical Justice, Issue 2, pp. 166-175.
- Graebsch, C. (2017): Supervisible. Experiencing probation and supervision in Germany. In: Howard League for Penal Reform. Briefing paper. https://howardleague.org/publications/supervisible-experiencing-probation-and-supervision-in-germany/
- Graebsch, C. (2017): Observed, but not observed. Report on the SUPERVISIBLE photovoice study with people under criminal justice supervision. In: Forum Strafvollzug, issue 2, pp. 133-138.
- Fitzgibbon, W., Graebsch, C., McNeill, F. (2017): Pervasive Punishment: Experiencing Supervision. In: Brown, Michelle/ Carrabine, Eamonn (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Visual Criminology, pp. 305-319.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): Foreign prisoners. In: Feest, Johannes/ Lesting, Wolfgang/ Lindemann, Michael (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetze. Commentary, 7th edition. Carl Heymanns Verlag/Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): Teach the teacher. Leitfaden zum Unterricht mit neu zugewanderten Schüler/-innen im berufsbildenden Schulsystem Informationen und Hilfestellung für berufsbildende Schulen, Teil II Migrationsrecht, Cornelsen Verlag, pp. 67-109.https://www.cornelsen.de/produkte/teach-the-teacher-leitfaden-zum-unterricht-mit-neu-zugewanderten-schueler-innen-im-berufsbildenden-schulsystem-informationen-und-hilfestellung-fuer-berufsbildende-schulen-pdf-als-download-9783064514164
- Graebsch, C. (2016): § 92 LandesR: evaluation, criminological research. In: Feest, Johannes/ Lesting, Wolfgang/ Lindemann, Michael (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetze. Commentary, 7th edition. Carl Heymanns Verlag/Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): § Section 99 LandesR: Representation of the interests of prisoners. In: Feest, Johannes/ Lesting, Wolfgang/ Lindemann, Michael (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetze. Commentary, 7th edition. Carl Heymanns Verlag/Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): § Section 103 LandesR: Advisory Council. In: Feest, Johannes/ Lesting, Wolfgang/ Lindemann, Michael (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetze. Commentary, 7th edition. Carl Heymanns Verlag/Wolters Kluwer, 2016.
- Graebsch, C., Fitzgibbon, W. (2016): Brexit: the consequences for innovative criminological research. In: British Society of Criminology Newsletter, No. 78, Summer 2016, pp. 9-14. https://www.britsoccrim.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Fitzgibbon_Graebsch-bscn78.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2016): Patronized and unprotected? Living conditions of UMF due to the new legal situation. In: Sozialmagazin, 1st special volume, pp. 87-99.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): Health-promoting treatment of offenders in prison? Risks, side effects and possible benefits of health-related approaches in prison. In: Ochmann, Nadine/ Schmidt-Semisch, Henning/ Temme, Gaby (eds.): Healthy Justice. Reflections on a health-promoting justice system, Springer VS, pp. 23-66.
- Graebsch, C. (2016): Prisoner co-responsibility - Representing the interests of prisoners? In: Forum Strafvollzug, Issue 1, pp. 20-24.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2015): Comparatively humane? Outpatient sanctions as an alternative to deprivation of liberty from a European perspective, Wiesbaden, VS Springer. Open Access: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-08965-8
- Graebsch, C. (2015): Legal counseling for prisoners in juvenile detention. In: Journal of Juvenile Criminal Law and Youth Welfare (ZJJ), Issue 4, pp. 363-368.
- Graebsch, C. (2015): Limits to Prisoners' Rights and Unlimited Supervision. In: Imprisonment: Identity, Experience and Practice, ed.: Rose Ricciardelli/Katharina Maier, Inter-Diciplinary Press (Oxford, UK), pp. 107-126.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2014): Reform of the NRW Prison Act: do not play reintegration and victim protection off against each other. In: Legal Tribune Online, 30.05.2014.
- Graebsch, C. (2014): Rezension vom 06.03.2014 zu: Sarah Elena Hausmann: Conferences in the penal system. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden 2012. In: socialnet Reviews, ISSN 2190-9245, 2014. https://www.socialnet.de/rezensionen/16565.php
- Graebsch, C. (2014): Control of the prison system through independent monitoring and the prevention of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. In: Forum Strafvollzug issue 6, pp. 390-396.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2014): Outpatient Sanctions as an Alternative to Imprisonment in the European Union. Center for the Study of Democracy, Sofia, 2014. https://csd.bg/publications/publication/ambulant-sanctions-as-an-alternative-to-imprisonment-in-the-european-union/
- Graebsch, C. (2014): What works? An examination of the possibilities and limits of scientifically based crime prevention. In: Kriminologie und Soziale Arbeit: Ein Lehrbuch, ed.: AK HochschullehrerInnen Kriminologie/Straffälligenhilfe in der Sozialen Arbeit, Weinheim and Basel, pp. 85-100.
- Graebsch, C. (2013): Deportation from prison and drug addiction. In: P. Kotz & J. Rahlf (eds.): Praxis des Betäubungsmittelstrafrechts. Cologne, p. 1593 ff.
- Graebsch, C. (2013): Digression: drug addicts in police custody. In: P. Kotz & J. Rahlf (eds.): Praxis des Betäubungsmittelstrafrechts. Cologne, p. 1560 ff.
- Graebsch, C. (2013): BtM offenders in the penal system. In: P. Kotz & J. Rahlf (eds.): Praxis des Betäubungsmittelstrafrechts. Cologne, p. 1253 ff.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2013): Up to 20 years of solitary confinement: Inhumane prison conditions in Germany? In: Legal Tribune Online, 09.10.2013. https://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruende/h/isolationshaft-haftbedingungen-untersuchungshaft-menschenrechte/
- Graebsch, C. (2013): Legal advice for prisoners as a legal clinic - presentation of a practical project at the University of Bremen that has been in existence for over 30 years. In: studere - Rechtszeitschrift der Universität Potsdam, Issue 11, pp. 64-69.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2012): Reform of the penitentiary laws of the Länder: prisoners must be able to sue for their rights. In: Legal Tribune Online, 25.05.2012. https://www.lto.de/recht/hintergruende/h/reform-der-strafvollzugsgesetze-der-laender-gefangene-muessen-ihre-rechte-einklagen-koennen/
- Feest, J., Graebsch, C. (2012): §§ 160-165 (prison advisory boards). In: J. Feest & W. Lesting (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetz Kommentar (6th ed.). Cologne 2012: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
- Feest, J., Graebsch, C. (2012): Excursus according to § 175 (foreigners in criminal and deportation detention). In: J. Feest & W. Lesting (eds.): Strafvollzugsgesetz Kommentar (6th ed.). Cologne 2012: Carl Heymanns Verlag.
- Graebsch, C. (2011): Deported to toleration - expulsion from the law? The additional consequences of suspected criminal offenses for non-EU citizens. In: A. Pilgram, L. Böllinger, M. Jasch, S. Krasmann, C. Prittwitz, H. Reinke, D. Rzepka (eds.): Uniform law for the diversity of cultures? Criminal Law and Criminology in Times of Transcultural Societies and Transnational Law. Münster, pp. 315-330.
- Graebsch, C. (2011): Expulsion - double punishment for foreigners. In: T. Müller-Heidelberg, U. Finckh, E. Steven, M. Pelzer, M. Heiming, M. Kutscha, R. Gössner, U. Engelfried & P. Hase (eds.): Grundrechte-Report 2011. Berlin, pp. 201-205.
- Graebsch, C. (2011): Prevention for prisoners? Reflections on the status of existing preventive mechanisms for the protection of prisoners from violence using the example of detention pending deportation and police custody. In: J. Puschke (ed.): Prison system in Germany. Structural deficits, need for reform and alternatives. Berlin, pp. 157-178.
- Graebsch, C. (2011): Legal counseling for prisoners in Bremen: Clinical Legal Education for more than 30 years. In: S. Baron, S. Hähnchen & F. Jost (Eds.): Practical Jurisprudence. Hamburg, p. 147 ff.
- Graebsch, C. (2011): Punitivity in residence law for migrants - An assessment from a legal perspective. In: B. Dollinger & H. Schmidt-Semisch (eds.): Just Exclusion? Welfare production and the new desire to punish. Wiesbaden, pp. 281-296.
- Graebsch, C. (2010): What works? - Nothing works? - Evidence-based criminal policy and the reality of youth crime policy. In: B. Dollinger & H. Schmidt-Semisch (eds.): Handbuch Jugendkriminalität. Criminology and (social) pedagogy in dialog. Wiesbaden, pp. 137-147.
- Graebsch, C. (2009): "Evidence-based Crime Prevention": Meaning, possibilities and limits of a crime prevention policy based on experimental research. Online publication of the dissertation, University of Bremen. https://media.suub.uni-bremen.de/handle/elib/2735?locale=de
- Graebsch, C. (2009): Police custody, detention pending deportation and medical care: situation and perspectives. In: akzept e.V., Deutsche Aidshilfe e.V., Wissenschaftliches Institut der Ärzte Deutschlands (WIAD) (Eds.): Documentation of the 4th European Conference on Health Promotion in Detention on 16/17 April 2009 in Vienna, pp. 143-150. http://www.gesundinhaft.eu/wp-content/uploads/Gesundheitsförderung-in-Haft-2009-1.pdf
- Graebsch, C. (2009): The legislator as a dangerous repeat offender. Empirical findings on crime prevention and criminal prognosis in the law on preventive detention and expulsion under immigration law. In: H. E. Müller, G. M. Sander & H. Válkova (eds.): Festschrift for Ulrich Eisenberg on his 70th birthday. Munich, pp. 725-740.
- Graebsch, C. (2009): Medical care in police custody. In: K. Keppler & H. Stöver (eds.): Prison medicine. Medical care under prison conditions. Stuttgart et al, pp. 52-55.
- Graebsch, C. (2009): Criminal law issues in the medical treatment of undocumented migrants: Humanitarian aid between medical obligations and suspicion of aiding and abetting under immigration law In: C. Falge, A. Fischer-Lescano & K. Sieveking (eds.): Gesundheit in der Illegalität. Rights of people without residence status. Baden-Baden, pp. 161-181.
- Graebsch, C. (2008): Evidence-based Crime Prevention? Transferability problems between medicine and criminology. In: ipp-info, Issue 06, p. 6
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2008): Legal questions on substitution and detention. In: H. Stöver, Aids-Forum DAH (ed.): Substitution in prison. Berlin, pp. 49-65.
- Graebsch, C. (2008): Detention pending deportation - Abolitionist perspectives and realities. In: Criminological Journal, Issue 1, pp. 32-41.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2008): Dealing with international criminal law. Macrocrime. Contradictions and alternatives based on selected examples. In: C. Prittwitz, L. Böllinger, M. Jasch, S. Krasmann & H. Peters (eds.): Kriminalität der Mächtigen. Baden-Baden, pp. 212-235.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2008): MIVEA - All just cosmetics? In: Strafverteidiger, Issue 6, pp. 327-331.
- Graebsch, C. (2008): Preventive detention in juvenile criminal law. In: Journal of Juvenile Criminal Law and Youth Welfare, Issue 3, pp. 284-287.
- Graebsch, C. (2007): Compatibility problems between experimental knowledge acquisition and legal decision-making program. In: F. Lösel, D. Bender & J.-M. Jehle (eds.): Kriminologie und wissensbasierte Kriminalpolitik: Entwicklungs- und Evaluationsforschung (Schriftenreihe der Neuen Kriminologischen Gesellschaft, vol. 110). Mönchengladbach, pp. 193-204. http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/opendigi/NKS_2007_110
- Graebsch, C. (2007): Deportation law today: exclusion from the law reserved? In: S. Dauks & E. Schöck-Quinteros (eds.): Reason for expulsion: troublesome foreigner. Expulsions from Bremen in the 1920s. Bremen, pp. 139-142.
- Graebsch, C. (2007): Two in one? The legal construction of the prostitution migrant between perpetrator and victim. In: C. Künzel & G. Temme (eds.): Perpetrators and/or victims? Women in structures of violence. Hamburg, pp. 141-157.
- Graebsch, C. (2006): Prisoners don't help young people - who then? On the international status of the evaluation of prison confrontation programs along the lines of "Scared Straight" - and the criminal policy that runs counter to the findings. In: New Criminal Policy 2006, Issue 2, pp. 46-52.
- Graebsch, C., Burkhardt, S.-U. (2006): MIVEA - Young Care? Forecasting procedures for all age groups or just cosmetics? In: Journal of Juvenile Criminal Law and Youth Welfare, Issue 2, pp. 140-147.
- Graebsch, C. (2006): Isn't prison cool? On the dubious effectiveness of prison visitation programs In: Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, 2006, pp. 161-164.
- Graebsch, C., Schäfer, M., Bruns, M. (2005): The Association for Legal Aid: free prisoner counseling and practice-oriented legal training. In: S.-U. Burkhardt, C. Graebsch & H. Pollähne (eds.): Correspondences on the penal system, legal cultures, criminal policy and human rights. Münster, pp. 265-275.
- Graebsch, C. (2005): Evidence-based crime prevention? An examination of a criminal policy based on experimental research designs in police interventions for domestic violence. Hamburg Institute for Criminological Social Research, 2005.
- Burkhardt, S.-U., Graebsch, C., Pollähne, H. (eds.) (2005): Correspondences on the penal system, legal cultures, criminal policy, human rights. Münster 2005.
- Graebsch, C. (2005): Insight from outside: Visits to prisons for women in London and Vechta. In: C. Graebsch, S.-U. Burkhardt & H. Pollähne (eds.): Correspondences on the penal system, legal cultures, criminal policy, human rights. Münster, pp. 56-67.
- Graebsch, C. (2005): "Evidence-Based Crime Prevention": Claim and practical examples of a criminal policy based on a medical model. In: Criminological Journal, Issue 4, pp. 266-283.
- Graebsch, C. (2002): Medical experiments with prisoners and other involuntary inmates. Notes for a context-oriented ethics debate and some questions from a criminological perspective. In: J. C. Joerden & J. N. Neumann (eds.): Studien zur Ethik in Ostmitteleuropa: Medizinethik 3. Frankfurt am Main, pp. 153-199.
- Graebsch, C. (2000): Experiments in criminal law. In: Bremen Institute for Criminal Policy (ed.): Experiments in Criminal Law, Bremen, pp. 8-33.
- Graebsch, C. (2000): Legal issues of randomized experiments on sanctioning. In: Crime and Delinquency, Volume 46, No. 2, April 2000, pp. 271-282.
- Graebsch, C. (2000): Description of the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment and the SARP replication program. In: Bremen Institute for Criminal Policy (ed.): Experiments in Criminal Law. Bremen, pp. 56-60.
- Graebsch, C. (1999): Between individual case help, public relations work and system stabilization. The work of the Ostertor asylum group and the problems associated with it. In: Mühsam-Magazin, Issue 7, pp. 89-98.
- Graebsch, C. (1998): Expulsion as punishment or: The divided image of the law. In: B. Paul & H. Schmidt-Semisch (eds.): Drogendealer: Ansichten eines verrufen Gewerbes. Freiburg im Breisgau, pp. 109-123.
- Graebsch, C. (1994): Symposium on the reform of sexual criminal law. In: Criminological Journal, Issue 2, pp. 138-143.
Curriculum Vitae
Since 2019 |
Member of the editorial board and in the editorial circle of the Criminological Journal(Opens in a new tab) |
Since 2018 |
Board member of the Society for Interdisciplinary Scientific Criminology e.V(Opens in a new tab) , Chairwoman of the board since 2021 |
Since 2016 |
Chairwoman of the Legal Clinic Dortmund e.V(Opens in a new tab) . association |
Since 2012 |
Head of the Prison Archive(Opens in a new tab) at the Fachhochschule Dortmund |
Since 2012 |
Lecturer at the University of Hamburg, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, continuing education master's program in Criminology, module Control Policy II: Criminal Justice and Corrections |
Since 2012 |
Chairwoman of the examination board at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies at Fachhochschule Dortmund |
Since 2011 |
University lecturer for social work law, Fachhochschule Dortmund |
Since 2007 |
Law firm together with lawyer Dr. Sven-U. Burkhardt until 2011 in Bremen-Vegesack Since then part-time with office in Dortmund |
Since 2002 |
Lecturer at the University of Bremen until today: Course "Legal advice for prisoners as a legal clinic" |
Since 1991 |
Member of the Association for Legal Aid in the Prison System of the State of Bremen e.V. Member of the board since 2003 |
2009 |
Doctorate (Dr. jur.), University of Bremen |
2007 |
2nd state examination in law, Bremen |
1999 |
Diploma in Criminology, University of Hamburg |
1994 |
1st state examination in law, Bremen |
Current articles on the penal system
Other scientific activity
will follow shortly
Finished research projects
Presentations in chronological order
will follow shortly
Seminars winter semester 2022/2023
BA preparatory and accompanying seminar (W13.1 + dual)
The course serves to prepare and accompany the Bachelor's thesis. It should only be taken if you have already started to think about a possible topic or are at least considering the choice of topic. However, the work does not have to be any further advanced.
The course covers all formal and content-related questions that may arise in the course of preparing and writing a Bachelor's thesis. In the seminar, students present their plans for the Bachelor's thesis, whereby this can take place at very different stages. A point in time should be chosen at which it makes sense for the students themselves to receive support. On the basis of the projects presented by students, (general) questions of scientific work in the context of a thesis are discussed.
The seminar is open to all students, regardless of the planned subject area of their Bachelor's thesis. However, projects in the areas of prisons, offender support, criminology and migration law can be supported in terms of content.
Students must register for the examination, although there is no examination as such and no grade. A "pass" is recorded if students have presented their Bachelor's thesis project at least once in the seminar.
Bieker, Rudolf (2016): Studying social work: Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Studienorganisation, Kohlhammer Verlag.
Kotthaus, Jochem (2014): FAQ Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten für Studierende der Sozialen Arbeit, Verlag Barbara Budrich.
Prisons: Law, reality and social work as a human rights profession / continued in SoSe 23 / K11 A
In this course, the legal framework of the penal system and the penitentiary system is developed. Students will also deal with sociological and criminological findings about prisons and their effects. In addition, students will gather experiences in real personal contact with prisoners, which will give them an impression of the reality of imprisonment from the prisoners' point of view. The course will explore the possibilities and limitations of social work as a human rights profession in the context of the total institution.
The course also includes a bilingual course (English) on "Prisoners in Transfer" (2 SWS). This part deals with the cross-border enforcement of custodial sentences, including probation, and deals in particular with transfers within the European Union and deportations from prison. In this part of the module, the reading of English-language texts is mandatory. If foreign Erasmus students without any knowledge of German take part in the course, the course itself will also be held in English. Participation in this part of the course is also compulsory. However, we will organize the grading of the module in a way that can be independent of this.
Learning objectives:
- Understanding the specific field of offender support and social work in this (coercive) context
- Insight into total institutions
- Gain access to a specific target group of social work
- Learning how to conduct your own conversations
- Accepting the confrontation with emerging content and questions
- Adopting your own professional stance in a politically contested field
- Recognize the human rights profession as a framework for professional behavior as well as problems and limits
Recommended prerequisite:
- Good knowledge of English
Professional prerequisites:
- Prior knowledge of criminal law/criminology (in particular W 05.2 Criminal sanctions), possibly also on counseling in coercive contexts is desirable
- Personal skills: No reservations in dealing with prisoners
- Willingness to undergo security checks
Examinations to be taken
- Summer semester: Oral examination consisting of: Case simulations (20 min) and subsequent reflection discussion (10 min)
- Creation and submission of a case file to document performance over both semesters
Juvenile Criminology and Juvenile Criminal Law (Master Seminar Module 2)
Master Seminar, Module 2
Legal Clinic Migration Law (W10)
The course takes place in cooperation with lawyer Tim Kämper and in connection with his course for the dual BA as well as in cooperation with the association "Legal Clinic Dortmund e.V.".
The course accompanies the counseling in the migration law Legal Clinic. In a "Legal Clinic", students offer independent legal advice in practice, but with close legal support. This counseling takes place in migration law, occasionally other areas of law are also included, in particular social law.
Prior knowledge of migration law is therefore required. If such knowledge is not available, it must be acquired with considerable effort. Since the latter represents a disproportionate effort for the sub-module, this is only recommended if there is great interest in the topic and/or if several sub-modules are taken in the Legal Clinic, but is then gladly supported.
In the course, knowledge of currently relevant topics of migration law is imparted by working on current individual cases. Students will be able to work independently on a real case from the Legal Clinic. An elaboration on such a case is also part of the examination. The examination form is a performance examination.
Whether physical participation in the weekly legal clinic is possible as planned depends on how the pandemic develops. If counseling is possible, it will take place on Wednesdays from 3.50 to 5.20 pm. Alternatively, participation in contactless counseling may be considered. If both cannot be realized to the necessary extent, cases from counseling are reported in the course and then given to students for processing.
By participating in the Legal Clinic, a sub-module of W10 or several W10 sub-modules can be completed over the course of several semesters, but only one per semester. Students can choose which sub-module of W10 the course is to be credited to.
Graebsch, Christine & von Borstel, Martin (2021): Threatening deportation: Options for action and legal protection. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Supervision of research and master's theses
will follow shortly