HRK Pilot Audit "Sustainability at Universities"
Information, appointments and consultation hours Links
Q&A event on 06.12.2024 at 11.00 a.m.
Do you have questions about the audit or would you like to point something out or contribute ideas?
Then come to the online Q&A with the HRK and the CSR Office on 06.12.
Here is the link(Opens in a new tab)
Sustainability at German universities
The German Rectors' Conference is promoting sustainability at German universities with a new project. Fachhochschule Dortmund has been selected for the pilot phase along with three other universities.
Sustainable development is increasingly becoming the focus of universities' strategic orientation. They are setting up corresponding competence centers, appointing sustainability officers and committing to sustainability in their mission statements.
In this context, the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) is now launching the pilot phase for the "Sustainability at universities" audit. The new advisory service is intended to systematically support universities in the further development of their sustainability strategies, goals and activities. It is based on an overall institutional approach and takes into account the specific profiles, transformation paths and structural and regional characteristics of the individual universities in order to ensure tailor-made, independent and voluntary counseling.
All of you. Students, lecturers and employees from academia and administration are invited to take part in the one-year project. The project started on October 30th with a kick-off workshop and will run until September 2025.
What is the audit?
The "Sustainability at universities" audit aims to support universities in taking a structured approach to sustainable development. The aim is to develop a sustainability strategy.
What does the audit do?
In the audit, the status of sustainable development is first determined with the help of a questionnaire and then strengths and weaknesses are identified and the common understanding of sustainability is developed. Goals are then formulated and indicators for measurement are developed. At the end, the sustainability strategy and the implementation catalog with corresponding measures are published.
15.01.25 By mid-January, you can help us answer the audit questions
01.03.25 In March, we will start working with external counseling on individual focal points
01.09.25 By September, we will jointly develop sustainability goals, indicators and measures.
01.10.25 The aim is to finalize the sustainability strategy by October
What can your involvement look like and how much time will it cost me?
You can get involved in whatever way you can. This means you can take part in project groups or working groups, you can also document existing documents or send us written comments. You can contact us at any time by e-mail at csr-officefh-dortmundde or by calling the CSR Office.
IMPORTANT: Whenever there are already strategy processes in areas, we would like to integrate the cross-cutting topic of sustainability into your processes. There is also the possibility of integrating the audit process and content into teaching or final theses.
The time required is up to you and, of course, your resources in addition to your actual work. An estimate is 1 - 2 hours per month, but one-off participation is also welcome.
Project groups and consultation appointments
Are you interested but don't really know how to get involved yet? We have initially set up 5 project groups: Teaching, Research, Transfer, Governance and Operations. The groups have been formed and have already set up their first meetings.
PG Operations 13.11. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. online link(Opens in a new tab)
PG Teaching 14.11. 11 - 12 a.m. Online-Link(Opens in a new tab)
PG Governance 15.11. 2 - 3 p.m. online link(Opens in a new tab)
PG Transfer 19.11. 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. online link(Opens in a new tab)
PG Research 19.11. 14 - 15.30 in presence in the EFS 44 library in room 380
Consultation hours Dates
We would like to invite you to a weekly consultation throughout the process. Every Tuesday from 9 - 9.30 am you have the opportunity to talk to the Audit Coordination. It does not matter whether you are just interested or have questions and suggestions, we would like to be at your disposal.