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Informatik all inclusive

Informatik all inclusive - Bündnis für IT-Bildung in Dortmund

Fast facts

  • Organizational unit

  • Category

    • Teaching project
    • National project
  • Funding source

    District government Detmold,Fachhochschule Dortmund

  • Funding program

    ERDF/JTF program North Rhine-Westphalia 2021-2027, own contribution FH

  • Duration

About the project

The joint project "Informatik all inclusive - Bündnis für IT-Bildung in Dortmund" aims to continuously and systematically flank and expand IT education at schools in Dortmund through coordinated extracurricular offers at learning and experience locations in the vicinity of the schools. To this end, a broad network of (associated) partners is involved, including companies and stakeholders with a local interface function (coordination of the Digital Education Master Plan, Chief Information/Innovation Office, business development, media center).

The project comprises two complementary project parts: The project part "Learning module kit for the development of IT skills among pupils (LiKES)", for which IDiAL is responsible, develops scalable extracurricular learning modules for pupils in grades 5-9 from schools throughout the city on use cases of companies in the smart city sector. The "DO IT together" part of the project, designed by GrünBau gGmbH's DigitalWerkstatt, is designed to respond to the special needs of pupils in the social area of Dortmund's Nordstadt district through extracurricular activities and to promote them in a diversity-sensitive manner. Both parts of the project focus on computer science as application-oriented problem-solving and rely on participatory, low-threshold and practical learning concepts to promote learners' computer science skills and get them interested in careers in the field of computer science.

Ministry of Business Studies, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia

Funding program / Research program

  • Pact for Informatics 2.0


34 ERDF-20300034

Cooperation/project partners

  • GrünBau gGmbH

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