Information for practice centersYou are here:Home pageUniversityFacultiesApplied Social SciencesPractice informationInformation for practice centers Information on internships for companiesAll relevant information for companies wishing to offer students on the Bachelor's degree program in Social Work at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts a position for the internship semester.MoreInfo on Social Work (Migration Integration)Certain criteria and deadlines apply to employers who offer a place on the dual Bachelor of Social Work with a focus on migration and integration.MoreFurther offers for employersIn addition to the internship semester and the dual Bachelor's degree in Social Work, there are other offers and cooperation opportunities between the Faculty of Applied Social Studies and practice.MoreThe newsletter of the faculty's practice officeThe Practice Office of the Department of Applied Social Sciences sends out a newsletter at irregular intervals with information on departmental events, course developments and much more.More