The decision to do a doctorate
Every doctorate is a journey. Over several years, doctoral students delve into a specialized subject. The path to the goal is almost always a bit rocky - but at the end of it, there is the doctorate! And the good feeling of having created new knowledge.
What doctorate options are offered?
A doctorate is the awarding of a doctorate, i.e. the highest academic degree. Contrary to common usage, you do not receive a doctorate, you are awarded a doctorate.
Since universities of applied sciences in North Rhine-Westphalia do not have the right to award doctorates, a doctorate with Fachhochschule Dortmund is possible within the framework of the following doctorate options:
Cooperative doctorate
One way of doing a doctorate with Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts is through cooperation with a university. This means that a supervisor (usually the first supervisor) is chosen at the university and a second supervisor at the university of applied sciences. The examination procedure and modalities are determined by the university. The doctorate is awarded by the university following successful completion of the doctorate.
Through a cooperative doctorate, doctoral candidates can take advantage of all the benefits of combining two different types of universities by using the different approaches and perspectives as input for their own theoretical and applied research. For Master's graduates from Fachhochschule Dortmund, there are perspectives for work and research within a familiar environment. The cooperating university also provides access to additional new opportunities. Both the doctoral candidates and the supervisors can benefit from the different disciplinary backgrounds and networks through a cooperative doctorate.
The cooperation can and should be anchored in writing. The strongest form is an official cooperation agreement PDF-File 58,53 kB between the university, the university of applied sciences and the doctoral candidate. The alternative to this is a supervision agreement(Opens in a new tab) .
Doctorate at the Graduate Center NRW
Another option for those interested in obtaining a doctorate with Fachhochschule Dortmund is to do so at the Graduate Center NRW(Opens in a new tab) . In 2022, the Graduate Center NRW was granted the right to award doctorates for an initial period of seven years. At the Graduate Center NRW, qualified graduates are prepared for the doctorate within structured doctoral programs within a time frame of three to four years in a quality-assured manner and according to their own doctoral rights. The prerequisite for supervision by a professor at Fachhochschule Dortmund is professorial membership of the Graduate Center NRW.
Further information can be found here(Opens in a new tab) .
Where can you find counseling?
Before deciding to do a doctorate, you should be well informed and receive counseling. Why? Firstly, because you are choosing a path that is long (on average 4 to 5 years) and rocky. Secondly, because it is not easy to get started.
At Fachhochschule Dortmund, we offer you support. Four times a year, you will receive an overview of the topic and an insight into life as a doctorate at "Der Weg zur Promotion". Once a year, there is an information event on doctoral funding at the university. And at the monthly "Advice afternoons" we offer individual consultation hours. Contact us if you need counseling on your decision to pursue a doctorate, funding options or the search for supervisors.
We also recommend reading guides on doctorates, for example the brochure "Promotion - bewusst entscheiden und gut starten" (Doctorate - make a conscious decision and get off to a good(Opens in a new tab) Doctorate - make a conscious decision and get off to a good(Opens in a new tab) start) from the Qualitätszirkel Promotion.
Is it possible to do a doctorate part-time?
Yes, a doctorate is also possible on a part-time basis. You even have a big advantage when you start: because funding for your livelihood is secured. However, it is advisable to think carefully in advance about whether you have enough time available for the doctoral project. Depending on how this turns out, both the duration of the doctorate and the success of the doctorate can be influenced.
It can also be useful to discuss your desire to do a doctorate with your employer. It is certainly an advantage if the path is supported - for example, through time off for important conferences or in the final phase of the doctorate. Working hours are often reduced for a limited period of time.
In the case of "industrial doctorates", additional contracts are often necessary. If you work with your company's data in your project or pursue your doctorate during working hours, the company acquires rights to the knowledge generated. This is particularly critical with regard to the obligation to publish the dissertation.
Doing a doctorate with a child - is that possible?
Yes, it is possible to do a doctorate with a child - a good 17% of all doctoral students are or will become parents during the course of their doctorate. The double burden is a challenge, especially at peak times, such as the final phase. However, there are also many flexibilities during the doctoral period that are conducive to compatibility.
If you are about to decide to do a doctorate, you are welcome to contact the team at the School with questions about compatibility. We will be happy to inform you, for example, about the advantages of fixed-term contracts in accordance with the WissZeitVG for parents doing a doctorate and offers of support at the universities.
For example, the Graduate Center regularly offers events for parents doing their doctorate. Equal opportunities funding has also made it possible to set up funding and hire a research assistant to support doctoral mothers by assisting them with their doctorates.
The path to a doctorate
If you want to do a doctorate, you need four things in particular: a doctoral supervisor, a research topic, funding and enough time to do your research. Getting started is not always easy - we are happy to support you.
How do you find a supervisor?
Choosing a supervisor is the first step on the path to a doctorate. Doctoral students at Fachhochschule Dortmund usually know these supervisors from their time as students, often through their work as assistants or tutors or through the supervision of final theses. If there is an interest in establishing a supervisory relationship with Fachhochschule Dortmund, suitable supervisors for the doctoral project can be approached proactively.
How do I find a supervisor for a cooperative doctorate?
If doctoral candidates at Fachhochschule Dortmund decide to do a cooperative doctorate, suitable professors at universities can be found through the personal networks of the doctoral candidates or the supervising professors at Fachhochschule Dortmund. In addition, contacts can also be established through the motivation and professional expertise of the doctoral candidates as well as through the specific design of the doctoral project. As a rule, the possibility of a cooperative doctorate is already fundamentally laid down in the doctoral regulations of universities.
In some cases, for example when applying for advertised doctoral positions (e.g. at Research Training Groups), it is possible to establish a supervisory relationship as part of the awarding of the position.
The type of written anchoring of a cooperative doctorate can be regulated in different ways. As a rule, a cooperation agreement PDF-File 58,53 kB is drawn up and signed by the university management, the supervising professors and the doctoral candidate. In some cases, cooperation agreements PDF-File 53,68 kB may differ in their form, e.g. if framework agreements exist.
The supervision agreement(Opens in a new tab) is a more non-binding written form, but is not the same as a cooperation agreement. The supervision agreement is drawn up and signed at supervision level and includes the cooperative doctorate.
How do I find a supervisor through the Graduate Center NRW?
If the doctoral candidate chooses to do a doctorate at the Graduate Center(Opens in a new tab) NRW, a supervisory relationship is established with professors at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts who are professorial members of one of the departments of the Graduate Center NRW. Together with the supervisor, the prospective doctoral candidates write a confirmation of supervision after submission to the responsible department of the Graduate Center NRW. As part of the doctorate at the Graduate Center NRW, doctoral candidates from Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts are assigned to individual doctoral programs together with doctoral candidates from other universities based on their research focus.
What financing options are available?
Typically, a distinction is made between three types of funding: 1. doctoral candidates can be employed at a university, 2. the 13 BMBF-funded Begabtenwerke, for example, offer scholarships and 3. a part-time doctorate is also possible. It is important to consider in advance which path is the most suitable for the individual.
A position at the university offers good social security, integration at the university and experience in areas that could be useful for a future in research and teaching. On the other hand, the time available for doctorate work may be severely limited and there may be conflicts between work tied to instructions and independent research.
Scholarships, on the other hand, do not constitute income and are not subject to social security contributions. Doctoral candidates with a scholarship must take out their own health insurance. Parallel employment is generally only possible to a very limited extent. On the other hand, scholarships offer maximum freedom to conduct research and a great deal of personal flexibility. In addition, doctoral candidates benefit from non-material support and strong networks.
Doing a doctorate part-time can be a particular challenge. At the same time, parallel employment ensures anchoring in the world of work and, for example, the years of practical experience required for appointments at universities of applied sciences can be collected parallel to the doctorate.
The doctoral positions at Fachhochschule Dortmund offer a special form of funding. Doctoral students can devote themselves entirely to their doctoral project in a half-time position for 2 years + 2-year renewal.
What is an exposé?
Exposés are used to plan scientific research projects. It is also common for doctoral projects to prepare an exposé in advance in order to structure the research project, convince potential supervisors of the project or secure funding.
There are no uniform rules regarding the structure, length (usually 5 - 15 pages excluding bibliography) or layout of an exposé. However, typical elements that should be included in an exposé can be identified:
1. problem statement
2. state of research
3. objective/research question/research gap
4. methodological approach
5 (Preliminary outline)
6. time and work plan
7. literature used
If you are preparing a synopsis in order to apply for funding or a scholarship, please be sure to observe the respective requirements for the preparation of the synopsis from the respective foundations, colleges or institutions.
The (final) steps to the title
Every doctorate - and a cooperative one even more so - is also a bureaucratic challenge. From the application for admission and double enrollment to the opening of doctoral studies. Step by step to the doctorate.
What is admission to a doctorate?
In order to obtain the official status of a doctoral candidate, an application for admission to doctoral studies must first be submitted to the cooperating university. For this purpose, the respective admission requirements, which are regulated in the doctoral regulations of the supervising faculties, must be fulfilled.
At some universities, the letter of admission is only issued for a limited period of time (e.g. 5 years). In the event of a longer doctoral period, a justified application for renewal must be submitted in good time.
So-called "conditions" are also possible as part of the admission process. This means that you may be obliged to catch up on individual Master's courses and certificates. This occurs in particular - but not only - if you change subjects for your doctorate. Since the effort required to fulfill the conditions can be quite extensive, admission should be applied for at the beginning of a doctorate even if a later application is formally permissible.
What are the advantages of enrolling as a doctoral student?
As a rule, doctoral candidates are not obliged to enrol for the entire duration of their doctorate. Please refer to the relevant doctoral degree regulations to find out what the regulations are in your specific case.
Enrolment is generally possible at both the university and the university of applied sciences. In the case of cooperative doctorates, this is a permissible form of double enrollment. You will be enrolled as a secondary student at Fachhochschule Dortmund if you are already enrolled as a main student at a university in Germany. If you are not enrolled as a main listener at a university in Germany, you will be enrolled as a main listener at Fachhochschule Dortmund (further information on enrollment can be found here(Opens in a new tab) ).
Enrolment at both institutions allows you to use the infrastructure at the respective universities. There are also advantages, e.g. with regard to existing accident insurance at the universities. Enrolment is sometimes a prerequisite for certain funding opportunities at the university of applied sciences or at the universities.
What can you expect after submitting your application?
Submitting the written thesis is a big step, but not the final step. It is important to take this into account when planning your time.
After submission, the written doctoral thesis is reviewed and graded. This can easily take three to six months. You may then be able to view the reviews (without seeing the grades). Before you defend your doctoral thesis in a disputation or viva voce, there are also mandatory display periods at the universities.
After the defense of your doctoral thesis, the examination board determines the oral grade and the overall grade. The day of the defense is the day that will ultimately appear on the doctoral certificate. However, you will only receive this after your doctoral thesis has been published.
When can you hold a doctorate?
A doctorate may only be awarded to someone who has also received the doctoral certificate with the publication of the doctoral thesis.
There is an obligation to publish doctorates. While online publications are common in some disciplines, in others it is important to find a (preferably renowned) publisher. In this case in particular, considerable revisions and adaptations may be necessary before publication or time may elapse to raise funds for the printing subsidy. There may even be several years between the defense of the doctoral thesis and its publication. As a rule, deadlines for publication are set in the respective doctoral degree regulations.