Now more than ever
The dispute over the federal government's draft budget, the "traffic light" exit, obligations arising from acute crises such as the war in Ukraine, the economic slump and the threat of a drop in sales due to the outcome of the US election seem to leave no room for socio-political demands or even visionary flights of fancy. But it is precisely these crises that point to the dead ends into which austerity policies lead: not least the shift to the right in parts of the country is evidence of the consequences of great uncertainty and existential concerns. Against this backdrop, open discussions and courageous reflection on alternatives for the future are all the more urgent. This is the agenda and goal of the Social Policy Symposium in Dortmund.
The Faculty of Applied Social Studies at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences - and in particular our students on the "Social Sustainability and Demographic Change" Master's course - is organizing a workshop on the topic of "Unconditional Basic Income and Social Infrastructure?!" in collaboration with the Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS), the Basic Income Network Germany and BIEN Austria. Connections and contradictions on the way to a sustainable society".
Some focus on unconditional financial security for all, as the basis for securing livelihoods and participation, freedom for self-determination and the exercise of care activities; others focus on participation in education, health, transport, housing, energy and political decisions. Two approaches: Unconditional basic income (UBI/UBI) and social infrastructure/services (SI/UBS) - two paths, same goals? Do they contradict or complement each other? Do both paths lead to a sustainable, future-proof society? What would such a society look like? And how could such a transformation be set in motion?
Aim of the event
The workshop aims to introduce both ideas and discuss their strengths, weaknesses, connections, incompatibilities and implementation paths. To this end, both approaches will first be presented on an academic level, controversially examined and related to related debates (de-growth, everyday economy). In the next step, two popular political initiatives will be presented (public luxury, care revolution) and examined against the background of the theories. Finally, the practicability of the approaches is examined using the living situation and interests of homeless and homeless people as an example. The change of location from the university to the (northern) city also stands for a change of perspective: How could a transformation of society succeed in view of the approaches and ideas? How do the actors themselves see it?
The workshop is organized by the Fachhochschule Dortmund in partnership with FRIBIS(Opens in a new tab) , the Basic Income Network Germany(Opens in a new tab) and the Basic Income and Social Cohesion Network - BIEN Austria(Opens in a new tab) . Margit Appel, Ronald Blaschke(Opens in a new tab) , Ute Fischer(Opens in a new tab) and Gudrun Kaufmann from the FRIBIS Team care(Opens in a new tab) are among the key participants from FRIBIS.
Target group and registration
The event is aimed at Master's and Bachelor's students, colleagues with a focus on social policy (especially homelessness), other guests and cooperation partners as well as the wider urban community and civil society initiatives.
Please register for the symposium by e-mail:
The program can be seen here PDF-File 1,69 MB .
Faculty of Applied Social Studies together with Netzwerk Grundeinkommen Deutschland, Netzwerk Grundeinkommen und sozialer Zusammenhalt - BIEN Austria and FRIBIS.
Emil-Figge-Straße 44
Room 347-350 and lecture hall Ü33
Afterwards we will move to the Pauluskirche for our panel discussion
Schützenstraße 35, 44147 Dortmund