Flusser et l'art//l'art et Flusser
Vilèm Flusser (1920-1991) philosopher of media and communication, penseur éclectique, a
a multitude of domains such as design, art, philosophy, science, history and politics.
history and politics.
The point of departure for his thinking is the relationship between human beings and the appliances
qu'ils ont conçus. He is particularly concerned with the passage from writing to images
techniques (techno-images) as the dominant code.
These images techniques, produced by the appareils, determined, de manière croissante, nos
pensées et nos actes. Flusser perceived this evolution as a problem, but also,
but also as a source of new perspectives.
In a société télématique, human beings, in a dialogical relationship, would be capable of a collective and creative effort.
capable of a collective and creative effort that would oppose the programmatic tendency imposed by the
devices. According to him, it is crucial to understand and interpret the social devices and the
techniques of their initial use. Flusser attributed a very special responsibility to artists
en raison de leur capital créatif. Artists who have been inspired by his writings and conferences for many years.
de nombreuses années.
This year, the exhibition at Robion, Flusser's last place of residence, highlights the works that dialog
oeuvres that dialoguent, de manière implicite ou explicite, avec sa pensée. The exhibition, under the
direction du professeur Marcel René Marburger, explores notamment les rapports texte-image,
l'usage des appareils et la notion d'image technique. It inaugurates a series of annual expositions
annual exhibitions at Robion, in résonance with Flusser's champ de réflexion. This cycle aims non
seulement à perpétuer son héritage intellectuel, but also à le réactualiser et l'enrichir.
The current exhibition brings together the artistic and photographic works of Jingyu
Cao, Ann-Christin Danzinger, Kai Mimietz and Rocco Pagel.
Vernissage: 12.5.2024: 17-21.00 heures
Durée de l'exposition: 13.5-16.5.24: 15-19.00 heures
Lieu: Chapelle Saint Roch, 485 Rue Oscar Roulet, 84440 Robion