P. Scorzin, What does AI do with scenography and scenography with AI? 2024 [Online]. Available: https://www.dasa-dortmund.de/angebote-termine/angebote-fuer-fachbesucher/szenografie-in-der-dasa/szenografie-kolloquium-2024
Artificial and other intelligences
Intelligent systems in scenography are no longer science fiction. The possibilities of using artificial and other intelligences are currently increasing significantly and are opening up an exciting chapter in the exciting relationship between humans and machines. The museum world is constantly looking at the new results of these new technologies with great curiosity, but also with respect.
But what possibilities do algorithms offer when it comes to designing exhibition spaces? New technologies usually produce different, new aesthetics, but can artificial and other intelligences go beyond this? Does their use offer usable potential in the area of perception and experience or in the acquisition of knowledge?
This is followed by a whole bundle of further questions that will be lively discussed in the scenography colloquium with experts from the exhibition industry on the basis of current projects.
#Szenografie #Scenographie #KünstlicheIntelligenz #ArtficialIntelligence