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Limitations of Results-Based Management on the Example of the Police Force of North Rhine Westphalia

Schnelle Fakten

  • Interne Autorenschaft

  • Veröffentlichung

    • 2023
  • Sammelband

    Limitations of Results-Based Management on the Example of the Police Force of North Rhine Westphalia (2023 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS))

  • Organisationseinheit

  • Fachgebiete

    • Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • Forschungsschwerpunkte

    • Institut für die Digitalisierung von Arbeits- und Lebenswelten (IDiAL)
  • Format



C. Köbler, “Limitations of Results-Based Management on the Example of the Police Force of North Rhine Westphalia,” in 2023 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (E-TEMS), 2023, pp. 102–106.


Results-based management is a key feature of the reforms of New Public Management and a well-known tool in project management as the success of a project is more than the compliance with time, budget, and quality objectives. Although the advantages of results-based management are recognized and impact orientation is successfully applied in many non-governmental organizations, public administration finds it difficult to get grip on this method. The purpose of this paper is to identify essential limitations of result-based management when applied in public administration and to validate the selected findings. Three limitations derived from literature will be analysed: multicausality, contract management, and controlling cycle. The results are then put into the context of the police force of North-Rhine Westphalia who serves as an example of public administration in practice.

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