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Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht

Art. 102 AEUV; Teil F. Rechtsfolgen des Art. 102 AEUV: Verwaltungsrechtliche Konsequenzen

Fast facts

  • Internal authorship

  • Publishment

    • Köln: Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt 2023
    • Edition/version 106th delivery
  • Anthology

    Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht

  • Organizational unit

  • Subjects

    • Commercial law
  • Publication format

    Integrating resource


E. Wingerter, Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht, 106th edition. Cologne: Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt, 2023.


Professor Dr. Eugen Wingerter has updated and revised the commentary on the legal consequences under administrative law in Part F of Art. 102 TFEU. In particular, the commentary takes into account new findings from case law (especially Google Shopping and Google Android) as well as new pragmatic approaches of the Commission to support companies in dealing with crises (Corona and Ukraine conflict).

Source: https://www.otto-schmidt.de/frankfurter-kommentar-zum-kartellrecht-grundwerk-mit-fortsetzungsbezug-fur-mindestens-2-jahre-9783504411824?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlIuu_ryMggMV9JGDBx2SCAJOEAAYASAAEgIaefD_BwE


Art. 102 TFEU

European antitrust law

dominant position

Notes and references

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