Prof. Dr. Jennifer Tiede: I am fascinated by the connection between games and learning. Games and learning belong together, and this comparatively young field of game-based learning offers a lot of potential for research and interdisciplinary perspectives.
I'm an enthusiastic gamer myself and will drop (almost) anything if someone invites me to a round of Settlers, an evening of skat, a game of Hearthstone or a Beat Saber match. On the other hand, I know the value of educational science and media education research and have worked for years to make a reflective pedagogical approach to digital media in general and games in particular tangible for students and to explore opportunities and problems.
We all know how motivating games can be, and most people have a favorite game that they enjoy spending hours playing. I think that effectively integrating this motivational potential into learning processes is an exciting and important contribution to the enrichment of learning in and out of school and, in perspective, to the further development of our democratic society.