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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund




New radio play series by design students


A new radio play series, created by students from the Faculty of Design at Fachhochschule Dortmund, is now available on the platform www.nrwision.de. The radio plays deal with cultural and historical topics of the Ruhr region and Dortmund and offer listeners insights into the regional cultural heritage.

The "Cultural Heritage" series currently includes the topics "Trinkhalle im Ruhrgebiet" and "Jazz in Dortmund". These productions invite listeners to get to know important aspects of local history and social life. The radio plays were created in Prof. Jörg Lensing's seminar in the "Film and Sound" study program.

Cultural heritage: The drinking hall in the Ruhr region

Drinking halls have a long tradition in the Ruhr region, especially in connection with the work at the region's many collieries. Arkin Kodalak's radio play sheds light on the history of drinking halls from the time of the First World War to the economic boom in the 1950s. What was the significance of the little booths as a social meeting place for local residents and the working population? Dietmar Osses from the Ruhr Museum in Essen has his say as an expert in this six-minute radio play.

Cultural heritage: Jazz in Dortmund

Jazz music is closely associated with the city of Dortmund. The "domicil" jazz club has been attracting audiences with concerts and festivals since 1969. The "Glen Buschmann Jazz Academy" is also a prestigious training center for aspiring jazz musicians. In Cyril Buchardt's radio play, various players in Dortmund's jazz scene talk about the importance and development of this musical genre in the Ruhr region. Saxophonist and Jazz Academy director Uwe Plath and composer Richard Ortmann are among those who have their say. This radio play is just under 15 minutes long.

Cultural heritage: Cinema culture in the Ruhr region

The Schauburg in Dortmund is one of the oldest cinemas in Germany. As the "Corso-Lichtspiele", it marked the beginning of film and cinema culture in the Ruhr region in 1912. Janis Merten reports on the cinemas in the "Pott" through the ages. He talks to film professor and media history lecturer Dietrich Leder from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne. He also talks to Marianne Menze, the director of the Lichtburg in Essen. As a child, she experienced the "golden age" of cinema at first hand. Felix Hasebrink, director of the "blicke - filmfestival" at the "endstation.kino" in Bochum-Langendreer, also has his say.