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Wohl-tun e.V.

Who or what do we stand up for?

People in difficult circumstances (e.g. homeless or homeless people).

How do we do that?

Our Café Wohl-Tun is a place where people in difficult circumstances can meet and participate. In addition to providing drinks and a small meal, we want to create a welcoming atmosphere for our guests.

How can you get involved?

You can use a tool to flexibly plan when you have time to support us in the café. Around 7 volunteers are needed per assignment.

There is also a WhatsApp group for communication. Everyone contributes as much as they can and like. Just get in touch with us and then visit us in the café during our opening hours (see below).

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent; occasional; one-off

What can we always use - what do we need?

Voluntary work in the café,

Donation account: Bank for Church and Caritas
IBAN: DE 52472603070012731900 / BIC: GENODEM1BKC

How can you contact us?

E-mail: wohl-tun(a)joho-dortmund.de
Phone: 01712147582 (Stefan Wehrmann), 01704607161 (Michael Vogt)
Website: www.wohl-tun.de

Address: Propsteihof
Propsteihof 10,
44137 Dortmund

What else we have to say

Our Café Wohl-Tun in the Thomas-Morus-Haus (Amalienstraße 21b, 44137 Dortmund) opens Monday and Thursday from 6 pm to 8 pm and on the fourth Saturday of the month from 1 pm to 3 pm.

Notes and references