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Fruchtalarm gGmbH

Who or what do we stand up for?

For children and young people with cancer in pediatric oncology and for children and young people with life-shortening illnesses in children's hospices.

How do we do that?

children's cancer wards, rehabilitation clinics and children's and youth hospices throughout Germany. Colorful and tasty fruit cocktails are created from various juices, nectars and syrups.

The young patients mix the colorful drinks directly at the bedside according to their own wishes. In this way, "Fruchtalarm" promotes activity, self-determination and joie de vivre and offers a change of pace for seriously ill children and adolescents in an externally determined hospital routine.

How can you get involved?

As a Fruchtie, you can play an active role in the clinics and breathe life into the Fruchtalarm. On average, each Fruchtie goes out twice a month and mixes colorful fruit cocktails with the children and young people, offering little moments in which the illness doesn't play a role.

What opportunities are there to get involved with us?

permanent ; occasional

What can we always use - what do we need?

As a purely donation-financed project, financial support is of course very important, but you can also do good for us beyond that. Talk about us regularly, make the project better known and establish contacts for us (some clinics do not yet have a fruit alarm).

How can you contact us?

E-Mail: projekt(a)fruchtalarm.info
Phone: 0521-32990030

E-mail for volunteering: ehrenamtfruchtalarminfo

Ziegelstraße 86,
33609 Bielefeld (Are active in Dortmund)

Notes and references