Faculty of Applied Social Studies
Have we made it? causes of flight, migration, integration
- Ahmet Toprak
- Lambertus
- 2024, 170 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7841-3701-8
Of the 23.9 million people with a so-called migrant background in Germany, the majority (10.4 million) are naturalized citizens. If these figures are used to measure the level of integration, over 40% of migrants are well integrated. However, this figure says little about actual integration, as the criteria for naturalization are more formal (length of residence, employment, etc.). In the integration debate, the focus is therefore on social and cultural integration, although structural integration has not yet been successful everywhere.
This book addresses the question of how the sustainable and satisfactory integration of refugees - especially young people - can succeed. What skills do refugees bring with them and what resources must the host country provide? And what does integration actually mean? First, the four levels of integration are outlined, the methodological principles are outlined and 16 interviewees are profiled. The four levels of integration are then discussed on the basis of the interview results and finally recommendations for action are formulated for politics and society.
Psychology under political dictate in the GDR
- Susanne Guski-Leinwand
- Psychosozial-Verlag
- 2024, 285 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8379-3305-5
How did psychology see itself in the GDR, what was its role and function? How was it instrumentalized by the SED state and the authorities and used for repression? Susanne Guski-Leinwand and her colleagues investigated these questions in the BMBF project "Psychology under political dictate and justice". They investigated psychology in the GDR in its academic context, with regard to ministerial, official and party-political influences and as state psychology in the form of the operational psychology of the Ministry of State Security.
The research results presented in this volume enable interested parties to take a closer look at psychology under the SED dictatorship and provide concrete insights into the use of psychology by the Ministry for State Security for the repression or sanctioning of GDR citizens. They serve to expand knowledge and education about the SED dictatorship and the counseling of those affected by the SED.
Introduction to special education for educators (6th, updated edition)
- Stefanie Kuhlenkamp, Beate U. M. Strobel
- Ernst Reinhardt Publishing House
- 2024, 204 pages, ISBN: 978-3-497-03253-2
Curative education in educational practice
"How do I deal with a deaf child?", "How do I react to a child with ADHD?" and "How can inclusion succeed in my institution?"
Whether perceptual or motor disorder, social abnormality or disability: affected children need special attention. With information and help from psychology, pedagogy and medicine, children's behaviors or disabilities are presented in an understandable and comprehensible way. The tips for action and case studies offer ways for the everyday life of educators, but also show the limits of educational work.
Salafism : Prevention knowledge for intercultural social work
- Ahmet Toprak, Umut Akkuş
- Publisher W. Kohlhammer
- 2024, 136 pages, ISBN: 978-3-17-040792-3
Violent Salafism has been widely discussed for around 20 years. However, too little attention is paid to the causes, social responsibility and biographical backgrounds. It is therefore all the more important that prevention and especially social work play a central role. Prevention aims, among other things, to strengthen the personality, create the ability to deal with conflict, communicate without violence and avoid criminal acts. Accordingly, this book takes a look at the motives and social conditions of radical and violent Salafism. On the other hand, it presents programs, approaches and concepts that give those involved in social work more confidence in dealing with the target group.
Social space-oriented psychomotricity : psychomotor work in the context of social disadvantage
- Stefanie Kuhlenkamp
- Ernst Reinhardt Publishing House
- 2023, 158 pages, ISBN: 978-3-497-03171-9
How can psychomotor activities reach socially disadvantaged people? What does it mean to work in a poverty-sensitive way in psychomotricity? And what opportunities does psychomotor activity offer specifically for health promotion in precarious living conditions?
These questions will be examined using practical examples from various settings - from daycare centers, open all-day elementary school and clubs to prevention chains and service learning. In addition, reference is made to important basic concepts such as health promotion, social space orientation and poverty situations and their significance for psychomotor activity is highlighted. A compact basic work for all educational, social and motological professionals who work with socially disadvantaged people.
Meeting special groups : how approaches can succeed in social work practice
- Dierk Borstel, Claudia Luzar (Eds.)
- Beltz Juventa
- 2023, 154 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7799-6509-1
Social work often takes care of hard-to-reach people in special, often precarious life situations. Much is said and assumed about many of these groups, but without communicating with those affected themselves. It is often even said that it is impossible to talk to those affected. This volume shows ways in which access to such groups of people can be successful despite all the difficulties. The focus is on questions of establishing contact, communication and creating relationships of trust as the basis of professional social work practices.
Radically religious : a youth culture between modernity and tradition?
- Umut Akkuş
- Beltz Juventa
- 2023, 267 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7799-7489-5
The book examines the motives and factors of religious radicalization of young people as well as their youth cultural constitution in contemporary German society. The focus is on the perspectives, experiences, attitudes and world views of radicalized and radicalizing young people who, in their search for meaning, orientation and stability in their lives, become more deeply rooted in the religion of Islam and radical religious milieus and structures.
Professional attachment and relationship building : basics and application in psychosocial work
- Katja Nowacki, Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Yonca Izat, Martin Schröder (eds.)
- Beltz Juventa
- 2023, 142 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7799-7266-2
Psychosocial professionals are required to understand attachment experiences and shape relationships in order to enable individual development and social embedding. Different disciplinary perspectives and professional competence are required to shape the social relationship framework. Accordingly, this anthology aims to explain the fundamentals and findings of attachment research and illustrate their professional design in various psychosocial fields of work.
Living together in community and society : a sociological introduction
- Anja Hartmann
- Publisher W. Kohlhammer
- 2023, 202 pages, ISBN: 978-3-17-038500-9
A central subject of sociology is how people live together in different forms. This textbook presents selected social forms and is based on the concept and structure of the difference between community and society, with which the forms of living together can be systematized. Against this background, patterns of order in modern society and typical processes of social change (pluralization, globalization, etc.) are presented. Finally, the author shows how the individual is included in these social contexts and what tensions and conflicts can be associated with this. The book impresses with its didactic structure and introduces students to the different motives and logics of living together by conveying sociological theories and basic concepts in a clear and comprehensible way.
Why is the management of social organizations male?
- Michael Boecker, Romina Maillaro
- Lambertus
- 2022, 61 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7841-3558-8
Women are clearly overrepresented in social work training and practice, but the gender ratio is reversed at management level. Based on a qualitative survey of managers of social welfare organizations, this volume examines how "gender" as a structural category influences career advancement in social work. Finally, perspectives are developed for overcoming the equity deficit in the profession - not least in order to meet the demand for qualified junior managers.
Young men in Germany : Attitudes of young men with and without a migration background towards gender and LGBTI
- Katja Nowacki, Katja Sabisch, Silke Remiorz (Eds.)
- Springer VS
- 2022, 160 pages, ISBN: 978-3-658-39234-5
This volume examines the value orientation of young men with and without a history of immigration towards gender, equality and LGBTI, taking into account relationship patterns and socialization.
Growing up in a migration context
- Banu Çitlak
- Springer VS
- 2022, 88 pages, ISBN: 978-3-658-38606-1
The conditions of growing up in a migration context in Germany are characterized by an ethnocentric external view, both in science and in practice. Therefore, the evaluation of family ties, social mobility, socio-spatial reality and Muslim religiosity must be critically scrutinized. The volume examines familial connectedness as a justified reaction to the reality of life in migrant families, which isolates social mobility from "educational advancement" and opposes it to the transnationally stretched familial recognition structure. Socio-spatial segregation is exposed as a constructed reality. The author counters this construction with a concept of lived diversity through "doing plural communities".
Psychomotor skills textbook (2nd edition)
- Stefanie Kuhlenkamp
- Ernst Reinhardt Publishing House
- 2022, 238 pages, ISBN: 9783825288204
This textbook teaches the basics of psychomotor skills and provides an orientation on related theories and current research findings that have an impact on psychomotor theory and practice.
Psychomotor practice across the lifespan is presented and planning, diagnostics and cooperation are clearly explained using case studies and illustrations.
An extensive service section with psychomotor institutions rounds off the work.
Attachment in foster children : meaning, development and support (2nd edition)
- Katja Nowacki, Silke Remiorz
- Publisher W. Kohlhammer
- 2022, 209 pages, ISBN: 978-3-17-042003-8
Placement in foster families is an important form of educational support. Social relationships and attachment to caregivers are elementary protective factors for development. Various studies have shown that experiences with foster parents can have a positive influence on attachment development and the reduction of attachment and relationship disorder symptoms. For this reason, appropriate support options for foster families should be expanded. This book discusses these topics and their significance for practice on the basis of practical examples and empirical studies. The 2nd edition takes into account, among other things, innovations in clinical diagnostics and with regard to legal principles, especially the Child and Youth Strengthening Act.
Applied social psychology : a textbook
- Phillip Ozimek, Hans-Werner Bierhoff, Elke Rohmann, Stephanie Hanke (Eds.)
- Publisher W. Kohlhammer
- 2022, 355 pages, ISBN: 978-3-17-038428-6
Applied social psychology represents the interface between successful theories of social psychology and their application in everyday life as well as their implementation in very different professional fields. This always involves the use of psychological knowledge to optimize practice and solve problems effectively. This textbook therefore answers important basic questions, such as "What is self-regulation?" and "How does interpersonal communication work?", and also deals with various classic and current application topics in social psychology in a compact and easy-to-understand way. The work is instructive and helpful for both Bachelor's and Master's students of education, psychology and sociology as well as for students and practitioners from all psychosocial professional fields.
Understanding research in the pandemic and other exceptional situations: practical and methodological insights from reconstructive social work
- Slyke Bartmann, Nina Erdmann, Meike Haefker, Christin Schörmann, Claudia Streblow-Poser (Eds.)
- Published by Barbara Budrich
- 2022, 171 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8474-2622-6
The corona pandemic is confronting researchers and practitioners of social work with radically changed conditions. In order to understand the "state of emergency", it is necessary to reflect on how different - particularly vulnerable - social groups, including recipients, professionals and researchers, cope with exceptional situations. This book therefore analyzes and interprets the paths and approaches taken on the basis of specific projects in order to derive potential suggestions for practice and reconstructive research in social work.
Dealing with right-wing extremism : guidelines for social work practice
- Dierk Borstel
- Publisher W. Kohlhammer
- 2022, 190 pages ISBN: 978-3-17-036696-1
In their day-to-day work, social workers repeatedly encounter people who openly hold extreme right-wing positions. This book shows how to respond to right-wing extremist challenges in social work practice. To this end, the phenomenon is first described, definitions clarified and the causes explained. In the main section, the author uses specific case studies from his own many years of practice to present options for action in all social work settings: from community work and group work to individual counseling in prevention, intervention and parental work.
The book is aimed at students and social work professionals interested in the topic and, in addition to basic literature, the service section contains a collection of the most important contacts who can support you in your work.
The sociology of knowledge in social pedagogy : outline of a theory of social work
- Jochem Kotthaus
- Springer VS
- 2022, XI,248 pages, ISBN: 978-3-658-34594-5
Every modern society needs support mechanisms that prevent imminent and actual deviations and migration from a society's canon of knowledge. Social work is one of these institutions; it deals with problems of meaning drift from the everyday world. This study attempts to provide a sociological foundation for social work in the way that has become known as understanding sociology and has been theoretically developed into the sociology of knowledge via Mundan phenomenology.
Social work in soccer : theory and practice of socio-pedagogical fan projects
- Patrick Arnold, Jochem Kotthaus (Eds.)
- Beltz Juventa
- 2022, 294 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7799-6588-6
Fan projects in cooperation with soccer clubs are becoming increasingly important - but there is a lack of comprehensive documentation and analysis of their significance for social work. This changes with this volume: the "dual perspective" of the contributions, which were largely written jointly by practitioners and academics, is completely new. The contributors deal extensively with the work of fan projects and related topics, such as violence prevention, support for fans, educational work, anti-sexist work, but also criticism of methods and burn-out/stress among staff. A fundamental work for fan social work!
Handbuch Eltern in den Hilfen zur Erziehung : on behalf of the Bundesnetzwerk Fachpolitik für Eltern und Familien in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe e.V. (BEFKJ)
- Josef Faltermeier, Nicole Knutz, Remi Stork (eds.)
- Beltz Juventa
- 2022, 401 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7799-6760-6
Parents have a legal right to child-raising assistance - and yet they often experience exclusion and stigmatization in their contact with child and youth welfare services. This handbook provides an overview of the central requirements for working with parents in the field of child and youth services and discusses how the position of parents can be strengthened from a legal, conceptual and practical perspective so that they can provide their children with help and security and cooperate successfully with professionals. The book represents current positions taken by the 'Bundesnetzwerk Fachpolitik für Eltern und Familien in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe' in the further development of educational support.
Civil society under pressure: networking between (constructive) criticism and open attacks
- Dierk Borstel (with the assistance of Jennifer Brückmann)
- Action Courage e. V.
- 2021, 39 pages
Like other civil society projects, "Schule ohne Rassismus - Schule mit Courage" is always subject to criticism and attacks. Signs are damaged at schools, pupils and teachers are threatened and parliamentary motions are made to stop funding our work. The new study "Civil society under pressure" shows that since the entry of right-wing extremists into federal and state governments, attacks have also come from parliaments and that the AfD is virtually working its way through the Courage network. Social scientist Prof. Dr. Dierk Borstel from the Faculty of Applied Social Studies at Dortmund University of Applied Sciences conducted the study on behalf of Aktion Courage e. V.
Impending deportation : options for action and legal protection
- Christine M. Graebsch/Martin von Borstel
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht
- 2021, 226 pages, ISBN: 978-3-525-40520-8
Are you or someone you are advising at risk of deportation? Two proven experts show what options are available to prevent this. Christine Graebsch and Martin von Borstel use a detailed examination of the legal basis of residence/asylum law and the legal protection options provided to point out options for action in this difficult situation.
Today's residence and asylum law is more complex than ever and those affected and those providing advice can hardly keep up with all the new developments. There are various reasons why third-country nationals, but also EU citizens, may be at risk of deportation. In order to be able to legally prevent deportation, it is necessary to deal with the legal requirements and the available legal protection options. Both ordinary and extraordinary legal remedies, such as a constitutional complaint or an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, can be considered. Both the situation of persons who are at liberty and that of persons who are in criminal detention or deportation custody must be taken into consideration. This book provides those affected and those providing advice with an overview of the legal basis for terminating residence and possible legal remedies.
The new admission in residential care (2nd completely revised edition)
- Katja Nowacki (ed.)
- Lambertus
- 2021, 225 pages, ISBN: 978-3-7841-3360-7
Admission to a residential educational support group (home group) means a major change in life for children and young people and is often associated with anxiety and uncertainty at the beginning. However, the start of admission to residential care is a key process for the success of the measure. This edited volume was produced as a result of two evaluation commissions from two independent youth welfare organizations with the intention of asking the children and young people in particular, but also the staff, about their satisfaction with the admission process and to obtain suggestions for a successful start.
Socialization and lifeworlds of children and adolescents in family and residential care facilities : an empirical study on gender and gender-sensitive pedagogy
- Silke Remiorz
- Publishing house Dr. Kovač
- 2021, 331 pages, ISBN: 978-3-339-12508-8
This study deals with the socialization and living environments of children and adolescents in their family of origin and in residential care facilities in accordance with Section 34 of the Eighth German Social Code. Placement outside their own family is an important turning point for the children and adolescents concerned and influences their further socialization experiences. Using a qualitative interview, 26 children and young people, 12 female and 14 male, from North Rhine-Westphalia were asked about their experiences in their families of origin and their current living situation in residential child and youth care. At the time of data collection, the interviewees were on average just under 15 years old and had been living in the current residential care facility for an average of 2.4 years. In addition to socialization and the living environments of the children and adolescents, their own conception of gender, gender stereotypes and their sexual orientation and identity were key topics. The interviews were evaluated using qualitative content analysis. Three central results can be identified:
1. the lifeworlds of the interviewees in the residential care facility differ from those in their families of origin from their perspective. The interviewees described growing up in their families of origin as difficult and stressful, and some of them blamed themselves for the implementation of educational support. However, the interviewees rated the home group setting positively and described it as family-like. 2. no clear distinction can be made between the subjective experience of the children and adolescents in the area of gender-specific socialization in their families and in the residential facilities. 3. a gender-sensitive approach on the part of professionals towards children and adolescents in residential care facilities is only partially present, especially with regard to dealing with gender stereotypes and sexual diversity (LGBTTIQ*).
This results in the need for sensitization and recommendations for action for gender-sensitive pedagogy in the practice of inpatient child and youth welfare.
Where wishing still helped ... : systemic solution-oriented conversations from the world of fairy tales
- Dagmar Hosemann, Thorsten Wege
- publishing house modern life
- 2021, 208 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8080-0908-6
What if Rumpelstiltskin didn't tear himself in two, the Bremen Town Musicians formed a residential group for "(drug-addicted) runaways" and the wolf didn't eat the seven goats but became a vegetarian? Systemic solution-oriented therapy and counseling is now widespread in many areas of psychosocial and educational work. The method is sometimes taught in study programs and training courses in these fields of work, and it would be desirable for it to become much more widespread. When teaching and communicating the method, the questions are always: How do you do it? What does a counselor/therapist need to be able to do in order to meet the professional requirements? These questions inspired the author to compile material that uses fictitious case studies to show learners how such conversations take place and what results they can lead to.
Referring to well-known fairy tales has the advantage that most readers are familiar with their content and processes. Reading them in a context where the course, outcome or certain circumstances are different often leads to a "disturbance" of one's own perception, which expands the field of attention. Since systemic solution-oriented therapy and counseling are aimed precisely at expanding one's own perception and distancing oneself from traditional patterns in order to find one's way more appropriately in everyday life, readers can experience exactly that with these stories. This is a learning effect for students and trainees that can otherwise only be found in classroom exercises. Another effect is that the stories offer a variety of examples of how to conduct conversations that can be practiced by imitating them. This provides readers with answers to the question: How do you do that?
Professionals can use the stories as metaphors and incorporate them into their work with recipients or learners. Since the stories are set in different fields of counseling work, they are also interesting for different professions (therapy, counseling, educational fields of work, coaching, supervision, team development, etc.). And finally, the stories with their illustrations also have the simple effect of being amusing or thought-provoking for professional laypeople.
Quality management - Quality development
- Armin Wöhrle, Michael Boecker, Paul Brandl [et al.]
- Nomos
- 2021, 211 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8487-7884-3
This introductory volume brings students and practitioners up to date with the latest concepts and methods of quality management, quality development and impact management. It explains their logic and provides suggestions for the introduction of concepts into an organization, but also for the consolidation of quality management that has already been introduced. In addition, various contributions take a critical look at the requirements of social policy and administration, which led to the introduction of the concepts, as well as the development status of concepts. It therefore also serves to rethink what has already been practiced. Questions are posed and answers provided to check the learning objectives.
How can the effectiveness of integration assistance be measured?
- Michael Boecker, Michael Weber
- Lambertus publishing house
- 2021, 63 pages, ISBN: 9783784134055
The impact orientation prescribed in the Federal Participation Act places high demands on those involved in integration assistance. This volume criticizes previous practice and contrasts it with an understanding of "impact" and "effectiveness" that is appropriate to the complexity. The conditions for successful implementation are explained using examples from the area of participation in work.
The "invisible" in the shadows of society - research on housing and homelessness using the example of Dortmund
- Dierk Borstel, Tim Sonnenberg, Stephanie Szczepanek (eds.)
- Springer VS
- 2021, VIII, 223 pages, ISBN: 9783658312626
Homelessness is one of the worst personal blows of fate in our affluent society, and it exists in every city. However, homelessness remains undiscovered as a subject of social science research. This study takes a theoretical and empirical approach to the phenomenon.
Faculty of Architecture
Are You a Model? : On an architectural Medium of Spatial Exploration
- Anna-Maria Meister, Teresa Fankhänel, Lisa Beißwanger, Chris Dähne, Christiane Fülscher, Anna Luise Schubert (eds.)
- Jovis Publishing House
- 2024, 200 pages, ISBN: 978-3-98612-072-6
"Are You a Model?" explores the model as an architectural tool and practice. The volume does not view architectural models in rigid categories, but approaches them through questions such as: What determines the functions and effective forces of a model? When in the design process does it unfold its power and when has it fulfilled its purpose? Based on nine overarching questions, this book brings together interdisciplinary voices from architecture, art history, architectural and curatorial practice and software engineering. 31 contributions interweave perspectives from different regions and disciplines, not seeking conclusive answers, but revealing surprising commonalities. Models are thus not classified here according to time of origin, genre or material, but understood as an epistemologically diverse practice.
The architect Peter Grund and tradition in the modern age: connectable, contemporary
- Renate Kastorff-Viehmann, Jörg Stabenow, Ute Reuschenberg, Wolfgang Sonne, Peter Grund
- Kettler publishing house
- 2024, 239 pages, ISBN: 9783987411298
Peter Grund (1892-1966) was a successful architect and urban planner. Trained in Darmstadt towards the end of the German Empire, he was an office partner of architect Karl Pinno in Dortmund during the Weimar Republic. Immediately at the beginning of the "Third Reich", Grund was appointed director of the Academy of Art in Düsseldorf, where in 1937 he was entrusted with the artistic direction of the "Reichsausstellung Schaffendes Volk", the largest propaganda show of National Socialism with an associated model housing estate. In the Federal Republic of Germany, he was ultimately responsible for the reconstruction of Darmstadt as Chief Building Director, where he created striking urban spaces with the arcades of Rheinstraße and the square-forming Kennedyhaus.
Grund's architecture was characterized by simple forms and classical compositions. In addition to the continuation of traditional design methods, his work also repeatedly shows the reception of avant-garde ideas - for example in the Nicolaikirche built in Dortmund, the first church made of exposed concrete in Germany, or the design of a town hall for Darmstadt in the style of American Bauhaus architecture.
This publication is part of a multi-volume monograph of his work to be published in the coming months and presents a previously unknown and unpublished urban planning manual by Peter Grund, which was created during the final years of the Second World War and has now been reconstructed in its essential features from various archive sources. It becomes clear that Peter Grund, following in the footsteps of Camillo Sitte, pointedly advocated a position of closed urban space formation on a human scale, with which he stood in diametric opposition to the contemporary megalomaniacal planning of National Socialism. With his emphasis on urban form, he represented a counter-position to the functionalist Athens Charter, which was created at the same time.
Faculty of Design
This is not Herne : 14 photographic positions (exhibition catalog)
- Kai Jünemann, Thomas Schmidt
- Fachhochschule Dortmund ; City of Herne
- 2024, 64 pages
About the exhibition: "This is not Herne" was the maxim with which young photographers from Fachhochschule Dortmund embarked on a confrontational journey, adopting a wide variety of photographic positions. The focus was on overcoming and/or reinterpreting the folklore of the Ruhr region, as well as exploring the photographic material itself: the students draw an arbitrary line in the Ruhr continuum and show everything that Herne is not or does not want to be. "This is not Herne" is also a challenge to entrenched photographic positions and perspectives. "This is not Herne" is an openness to technology and points of view that aims to overcome entrenched structures.
The boards that mean the city : 50 years of independent performing arts in Düsseldorf
- Jörg U. Lensing, Jens Prüss
- Droste publishing house
- 2024, 335 pages, ISBN: 9783770026173
In 1973, Düsseldorf had the Schauspielhaus, the opera, the Kommödchen, the Komödie and the Düsseldorfer Kammerspiele. ZAKK, tanzhaus nrw or a Forum Freies Theater were just as unthinkable at that time as a Junges Theater in the Altstadt, a Werkstatt or a Theaterhaus. At that time, theater and dance only took place in the large theaters, in the aforementioned private theaters or as amateur theater performances in school auditoriums or community halls. In the course of the 1970s, but especially since the beginning of the 1980s, an independent theater and dance scene developed in the city of Düsseldorf that is second to none. This is the as yet unwritten history of this scene with names such as Theater Jhawemirc, Theater der Klaenge, Theater Kontrapunkt, Neuer Tanz, Half Past Selber Schuld, Cooperative Morales, Asphalt Festival and many more.
Palimpsest : folk dance, folk music, folk in the Rhineland and Westphalia ; research
- Jörg U. Lensing, Franz Josef Krafeld, Markus Schrenk and others.
- tredition
- 2024, 86 pages, ISBN: 9783384191595
After intensive research and extensive investigation, it can now be announced that the search for the lost folk dances and folk music in the Rhineland and Westphalia has been successfully completed. The findings and results of this long and in-depth investigation have been summarized in a book that serves as a groundbreaking compendium for the preservation and revival of these cultural treasures.The book not only presents the historical background and developments of folk dances and folk music in the region of western Germany, but also offers a wealth of materials that make it possible to learn about, understand and revive these traditions. Through the careful collection of written records, graphic notations, verbal descriptions and, via web links, audio and video recordings, the dances and melodies once thought lost can now be brought back to life. The authors of the book have managed to compile a broad spectrum of information, ranging from the origins of folk dances to their modern interpretations. They not only shed light on the musical and choreographic aspects, but also on the cultural and social contexts that have shaped these traditions. Particularly remarkable is the diversity of the materials found, which provide insights into the most diverse dance and music styles of the region. From lively village festivals to solemn ceremonies, many facets of folk dance and folk music have been documented and analyzed.The book is aimed not only at researchers and scholars, but also at dance and music lovers interested in the rich cultural diversity of their region. It serves as an inspiring source for musicians, dancers and choreographers who want to revive and develop these traditional art forms, and thanks to the extensive documentation and records, the folk dances and folk music of the Rhineland and Westphalia can now be preserved and experienced for future generations. The book marks a milestone in the research and preservation of this valuable cultural heritage and will undoubtedly help to keep its legacy alive. The research material collected in the book served as the basis for the development of the dance theater production "West-Land-Tänze" by the Düsseldorfer Theater der Klaenge in 2023/24.
Banoo : Iranian women and their stories
- Samaneh Khosravi
- Kerber publishing house
- 2024, 160 pages, ISBN: 9783735609656
The photo series Banoo by Samaneh Khosravi (* 1984) addresses the position of women in today's Iran. Despite decades of oppression in a male-dominated society, Iranian women are steadily advancing in science and the world of work. In order to gain an insight into the reality of women's lives in Iran and their self-image, the Iranian-German photographer accompanied female protagonists from different social classes and places in Iran in their everyday lives for this work. The resulting images show women who, contrary to official government doctrine, are an integral part of social life and are already paving the way for those generations who will continue to stand up for the dignity and individual self-determination of women in the future. Banoo is a respectable epithet for women and means lady.
photo/dialogues - vol.1
- Lucia Halder, Ananias Léki Dago, Herspective, Juliane Herrmann, Hans-Georg Esch ; editor: Marcel René Marburger
- Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Design
- 2024, 86 pages, ISBN: 978-3-9825577-3-1
photo/dialogues is a project of the Master's program Photography - Photographic Studies at Fachhochschule Dortmund under the direction of Prof. Dr. Marcel René Marburger. With heterogeneous formats (interviews, exhibitions, interventions), it is intended to enable and maintain an ongoing discourse on photography.
The carousel of indulgence and the general economy : on the staging of asceticism and expenditure
- Ralf Bohn
- Transcript Publishing House
- 2024, 219 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8376-6998-5
The carousel represents a metaphor of intersubjective and intermedial economy in three respects. Firstly, it connects the subject with a socius, the carousel horse, and thus establishes a relationship between people and things. Secondly, it organizes an affective game of narcissistic stabilization through destabilization, of self-experience through self-loss in the feeling of vertigo. Thirdly, a general economy is realized in the carousel between the pleasure of consumption and the pleasure of ascetic self-abandonment. Ralf Bohn describes the economy of guilt in the conflict between subjective narcissism and social obligation in the interrelationship between philosophy (Sartre) and psychoanalysis (Lacan) and based on Max Weber.
The computer : a history from the 17th century to today
- Jens Müller, Julius Wiedemann (Eds.)
- Taschen publishing house
- 2023, 472 pages, ISBN: 9783836573344
The story of the evolution of machines in computer history is full of the disruptive innovations that have led to today's world. From the early beginnings of computing to the bulky mainframe to the personal computer era, we now live in an almost entirely digital age.
The Computer explores steps from the first ideas of a calculating machine in the 19th century and early experiments with autonomous driving in the 1920s to oversized office computers in the 1950s to laptops and wearables of today. Jens Müller delivers a visual understanding of the emergence of the Information Age that hasn't been shown before. Tracing the stories of tech visionaries, pioneers, and entrepreneurs, the book combines compelling visuals, historical documents, and in-depth explanations to reveal significant events in computer history. Encompassing the invention of machines, coding, and software development, as well as technology's influence on today's political landscape.
This survey presents creations from Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage, Alan Turing, Grace Hopper, Bill Gates, and Steve Jobs. Showcasing forgotten gadgets and prototypes connecting iconic products such as the Apple Macintosh and the Sony Play Station. As well as remembering milestones in software development, videogaming, and the web. Infographics explain wireless communication and other fundamental technical concepts, while the history of corporations such as IBM, Apple, Microsoft, Atari, Amazon, and Google is retraced through rare photographs and advertising campaigns.
- Lars Harmsen
- Slanted Publishers
- 2023, 320 pages, ISBN: 978-3-948440-46-6
"Collision" by Lars Harmsen is the collision of intuition and the human experience. A visual journey of photographs, design, and ideas.
With this publication, the author mercilessly settles accounts with the last 10 years of his creative work. Numerous pieces and creations, from Slanted, PosterRex and 100for10 to freelance works and other projects have been destroyed, cut up and reassembled. A maximum of carnage. With a minimum of diplomacy.
Raban Ruddigkeit wrote about the work: "A year ago Lars bought a boat. He has actually been sailing all his life. He sails as a designer over the trends and hypes, over the egos and the shooters. In his work he connects drops to water and waves to a sea. Now and then he expresses himself in his own graphic language. Especially when, as today, the sea becomes rougher and more uncomfortable. Then Lars brings out his unwavering compass-a true sailor only proves himself in the storm."
ZDF TV+Design : six decades of television and corporate design = six decades of television and brand design
- Jens Müller (ed.)
- Optics Books
- 2023, 151 pages, ISBN: 978-3-9822542-4-1
In 1963, the Second German Television, ZDF for short, was launched as a new public TV station in the Federal Republic of Germany. Offering news, entertainment, sport and culture, it is one of the country's most influential media institutions. The station's varied design history begins with a logo competition even before the start of broadcasting. In 1973, designer Otl Aicher developed the first comprehensive visual identity for ZDF - including its own font family, which was used for almost three decades. In 2001, the New York design agency Razorfish developed the station logo that is still used today.
From early program posters to the dynamic interface design of the present, this is the first comprehensive look at the broadcaster's rich design history. Designers who have helped shape ZDF design over the decades have their say in interviews. The development of the on-air design and the regular updating of the corporate design is traced in great detail and with many rare illustrations. The book pays tribute to an omnipresent classic of everyday German design and documents its development over six decades.
PUMA - the graphic heritage
- Katharina Sussek, Jens Müller (Eds.)
- Optik Books
- 2023, 287 pages, ISBN: 978-3-982-2542-5-8
In 1948, Rudolf Dassler established a sports shoe factory in a small town in Germany with just a few employees. In the decades to follow, his company PUMA grew into one of the world's most important sports and lifestyle brands. Illustrated with selected objects and images from the corporate archives, this book visually chronicles for the first time this fascinating success story.
Over the course of the years, PUMA has written its own unique design history. In this book, the graphic evolution of the global brand is reconstructed piece by piece: from the first letterhead of the early postwar years and global campaigns created by renowned design agencies, to the creation of iconic sneaker lines, such as TRINOMIC or DISC, and innovative typography for football jerseys. With nearly 1,000 rare illustrations, readers gain remarkable insight into the special relationship between sport and design.
Adorno and the media : criticism, relevance, aesthetics
- Judith-Frederike Popp, Lioudmila Voropai (eds.)
- Kulturverlag Kadmos
- 2023, 271 pages, ISBN: 978-3-86599-494-3
Throughout his life, Theodor W. Adorno's thinking was permeated by a relationship to the media that was as fruitful as it was ambivalent. He knew how to hone his socio-critical reflections on them as well as how to use them to communicate his analyses to a broad audience. Even if he developed this ambivalent attitude on the media of the time, the approach of testing it on today's media landscape in its influence on society, politics and culture proves to be promising. With contributions by Sarah Bianchi, Christian Fuchs, Samir Gandesha, Henrik Holm, Sulgi Lie, Stefano Marino, Tyrus Miller, Judith-Frederike Popp, Ulrike Ramming, Martin Ritter, Rolando Vitali, Lioudmila Voropai and Florian Wobser, this volume focuses on the relevance of Adorno's critical theory in contemporary reflections on digital culture and the significance of his media criticism for philosophy, art studies and cultural theory in recent decades. Different positions and methodological approaches to Adorno's intellectual legacy open up new interdisciplinary perspectives on current media phenomena and cultural processes and continue the tradition of philosophically informed and sociologically grounded media criticism.
re:vue - exhibition & screening 2023
- Marcel René Marburger, Katja Aßfalg, Felix Schmale (Eds.)
- Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Design
- 2023, 1 sheet, 14 posters, ISBN: 9783982557724
Exhibition with works by Britta Baumann, Hamon Nasiri Honarvar, Emma Lydssan, Kai Mimietz, Steven Natusch, Anna Roters ; screening with works by Simon Gerlinger, Lisa Hummel, Florian Jäger, Vera Loitzsch, Alejandra Arévalo Martinez, Fiona Mentzel & Milena Schilling, Youngsuk Noh, Magnus Terhorst
Posters Can Help
- Julia Kahl, Lars Harmsen (Eds.)
- Slanted Publishers
- 2023, 265 pages, ISBN: 978-3-948440-43-5
Global dramas can lead us to question our own credibility and the significance of our own lives and/or actions. Recent events in Ukraine have led us, the Slanted team, to ask what our work is really for? Can we accelerate the transition to a just, fair, and sustainable society through the power of design? With a global call, we invited the design community to contribute with a piece of work and a donation. More than 400 people from all over the world participated in this project and almost 700 posters were submitted. All the proceeds of the donation goes to two selected organizations that are involved in crisis hotspots in Ukraine and around the world and that we appreciate for their work: ARTHELPS and MSF-Médecins Sans Frontières. With 700 color illustrations, a directory of designers, and three interviews with Ukrainian graphic designers.
Color spaces = Color spaces
- Jörg Winde, Rolf Sachsse
- Publisher Kettler
- 2023, 99 pages, ISBN 9783987410406
Since 1995, photographer Jörg Winde has been working on a series showing paint rooms and spray booths in industrial companies, craft businesses and artists' studios in Germany and other European countries. With an objectively precise eye, Winde explores the stage-like staged utility rooms, which appear like artificial realities. Machine and body parts, paint containers and tools are torn from their original functional context and give the pictures an almost surreal, alien character.
re:vue 2022
- Marcel René Marburger (Ed.)
- Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Design
- 2022, 54 pages, ISBN: 978-3-946775-82-9
Re:vue 2022 brings together ten photographic positions. The authors reflect on identity and representation or perception and ways of overcoming stereotypical images. By immersing ourselves in their perspectives and narratives, we cannot help but engage in a debate about what photography can achieve and which boundaries in the practice of representing phenomena can be overcome - or at least discussed - through the juxtaposition of images. With re:vue 2022, we neither want to provide answers nor emphasize the frustration of not being able to capture all dimensions of history. But what we can at least do is reflect together on how differently we use narratives and visual strategies to reinforce a person's feeling, identity or sense of belonging, in other words, our mental state.
The Carousel - Swindle, Exchange and Deception : Scenes from a Media Philosophy
- Ralf Bohn
- transcript
- 2022, 412 pages, ISBN: 978-3-8376-6125-5
The carousel is a machine in which the exchange parameters of sense and sensuality are tested in a scenic arrangement. From the 19th century onwards, the extraction of scientific-media vertigo machines from the laboratories of psychophysics became part of a psychic festival culture that set itself apart from the physically oriented world of the fairground. Ralf Bohn reads media scenes of the carousel in literature, film, architecture, photography and painting as illustrations of physical vertigo, economic exchange and media deception. In doing so, he shows how the economy of exchange is tested beyond morality and beyond pathological abysses through venues of legitimized transgression.
Vali Asr : Gesichter einer Straße in Teheran/faces of a street in Tehran
- Jörg Winde, Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, Charlotte Wiedemann
- Lecturis
- 2021, 207 pages, ISBN: 978-94-6226-432-8
At twenty kilometers, Valiasr Street is the longest street in the Iranian capital Tehran. It forms the center of cultural life, is the shopping center and nightlife district of the 14-million metropolis.
Jörg Winde's photographic anecdotes about the people who live and work on the street, supplemented by short texts, show a loving closeness to the people depicted. In their closeness, they bear witness to the contradictory lives of people in Iran today. Close-ups show the faces of people from different backgrounds, who turn their eyes openly and trustingly towards the photographer. Overviews and details in the surroundings provide an in-depth account of the lives of the people depicted. Large-format street views in urban traffic chaos against the scenic backdrop of the mighty, snow-covered Albors Mountains complement the portraits.
Two cities - Tehran/Dortmund : building cultural bridges with photography and graphic design
- Jörg Winde (Ed.)
- Fachhochschule Dortmund
- 2021, 123 pages
Photography as a contemporary medium for documentation and communication is the focus of the multi-part, artistic-creative development project between the Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Design and the University of Art in Tehran.
100 poster battle 2020-2021 : students of Fachhochschule Dortmund with Lars Harmsen
- Lars Harmsen (Ed.)
- Slanted Publishers
- 2021, 243 pages, ISBN: 978-3-948440-29-9
Sober: A poster should invite, communicate, inform, convince, but also provoke. If a viewer feels addressed, a poster can influence his/her decisions through text and image. Emotional: @100posterbattle - one poster per day, for one hundred days, over the course of an entire semester. Inspired by current events in politics and current affairs. With the aim of trying out different techniques that go beyond the limits of conventional methods. In the end, 100 days of poster design read like a diary. 2020/21 was characterized by the pandemic and its consequences for culture, society and education, Trump's frightening tweets and the upcoming US elections, BLM, LGBTQ, Söder and Laschet in a power struggle, pro-democracy demonstrations in Thailand, the 2030 climate targets and fun facts such as the height of Mt. Everest, which has shrunk by 86 cm, the eruption of the Sakurajima volcano in Japan, Elon Musk has become the richest man in the world and the boom in sex toys ...
Collecting graphic design : die Archivierung des Visuellen/the archiving of the visual
- Jens Müller
- Fachhochschule Dortmund, Faculty of Design
- 2021, 151 pages, ISBN: 978-3-9822542-2-7
Modern graphic design has existed for more than a hundred years. In an exciting history of evolution, the discipline has evolved and established itself worldwide. The fact that we can trace this development in detail today is largely thanks to archives and collections that preserve posters, logos, book covers, design manuals, and small printed matter. The natural short-lived nature of many of these media, the ever-changing visual zeitgeist, and the fact that graphic design is always a reflection of contemporary history make its history incredibly appealing. This book presents ten specialized graphic design archives and collections from all over the world-from traditional institutions to private initiatives. Curators and collectors show favorite exhibits and highlights from their collections, tell the stories behind the art facts, and report on their work in in-depth interviews. The book presents collections and archives from Berlin, Buenos Aires, Milan, Paris, San Francisco, and Tokyo. An appendix features more than 60 other international collections in brief.
Lake Phoenix has too many islands
- Jutta Schmidt (photography), Alexandra Apfelbaum, Marcel René Marburger, Bert te Wildt (texts)
- Kettler
- 2021, 96 pages, ISBN: 978-3-86206-914-9
Lake Phoenix celebrates its tenth anniversary in 2021. Photographer Jutta Schmidt is taking this anniversary as an opportunity to publish a large selection of her artistic photographs, which she has collected since the area opened, in a book and show them in an accompanying exhibition. The pictures provide a special view of life around the construction site - they seek out the small, unspectacular and narrative moments. There is the forgotten apple of a worker in a construction vehicle, a mysteriously flooded playground, the backdrop-like door on a concrete foundation, a child exploring a building site or a table with the remains of a housewarming party. In a reduced and quiet visual language, Jutta Schmidt's photographs provide a counterpoint to the glossy images used to market the lake. They take an unusual look at the conditions within the restructuring of the district and are at the same time a special contemporary document.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
No publications from the current year or the last three years are available from this faculty.
Faculty of Computer Science
Basic knowledge of digital design : concepts and tools for the holistic design of digital solutions and systems
- Kim Lauenroth
- dpunkt.verlag
- 2024, xvii, 361 pages, ISBN: 9783988890009
Increasing complexity, rising demands on digitalization and ever new possibilities offered by digital technologies are presenting industry with new challenges.
The job profile "Digital Design" meets these challenges with a holistic design approach by integrating three areas of expertise: Design competence, competence in digital technologies and cross-sectional competence for interdisciplinary work.
This book conveys the basics and provides a well-founded overview of all relevant aspects of the holistic design of digital solutions and systems. It describes
- the competence fields of digital design,
- design with digital material and the construction process,
- the structuring of construction processes from a digital design perspective,
- important digital technologies,
- design expertise and design work at solution, system and element level as well as
- holistic design work along the construction process.
Finally, frameworks for the construction process and the social dimension of the construction process are discussed.
Faculty of Information Technology
Electromagnetic Design : Theory and simulation of electromagnetic fields
- Frank Gustrau
- Hanser
- 2023, 330 pages, ISBN: 978-3-446-47418-5
Electromagnetic field theory is one of the necessary technical foundations of engineering courses such as information and communication technology, electrical engineering and biomedical engineering. This book deals equally with the theory of electromagnetic fields and the practical application of modern 3D-EM simulation tools. The introduction to electromagnetic simulation is supported by the development of a structured simulation workflow. The modeling is based on the three most important numerical methods: Finite differences in the time domain, finite elements and moment methods.
This book is largely based on the title "Angewandte Feldtheorie. A practical introduction to the theory of electromagnetic fields". The content of this new work has been reoriented and expanded. It focuses more strongly on 3D EM simulation as a tool for the practical design of new technical components and systems and uses examples from the fields of biomedical technology, electromagnetic compatibility and antenna technology for mobile systems.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
No publications from the current year or the last three years are available from this faculty.
Faculty of Business Studies
The insurance intermediary as entrepreneur: business challenges for brokers and exclusive distribution
- Matthias Beenken
- Publishing house Versicherungswirtschaft
- 2023, 6th edition, 210 pages, ISBN: 978-3-96329-402-0
For 25 years, "Der Versicherungsvermittler als Unternehmer" (The Insurance Broker as Entrepreneur) has been supporting start-ups and experienced professionals with the business challenges of self-employment. The new edition takes into account the further development of stationary to hybrid sales forms, the competitive positioning compared to pure direct sales, changing customer demand behavior, changing employee requirements, also as a result of the corona pandemic, current regulations, including those on sustainability, as well as empirically proven business success factors.
Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)
Dortmund International Research Conference 2022 : conference proceedings
- Anastasiya Kurylchyk, Iuliia Mende, Nargiza Mikhridinova, Matthias Smukal (eds.)
- Fachhochschule Dortmund, Institute for the Digital Transformation of Application and Living Domains (IDiAL)
- 2022, 278 pages, ISBN: 978-3-948228-03-3
The thirteenth Dortmund International Research Conference (Dortmund IRC) successfully took place on 1-2 July 2022 at Fachhochschule Dortmund - University of Applied Sciences and Arts. The Dortmund IRC is a platform and forum for international and interdisciplinary research networking. This year, the Dortmund IRC took place in an experimental hybrid format. In the first year after coronavirus pandemic, Fachhochschule Dortmund welcomed around 130 participants from 18 countries in person or online, starting with the welcome address from the Vice Rector for Digital Transformation - Andrea Kienle, and the organizing team. During the conference, 40 papers were delivered on the topics: Project Management, Education, Workplace & Employability, Sustainability, Digital Transformation, Engineering & Informatics, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Other institutions/ Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts in total
Indu Twin Bachelor Program : Handbook ; Multinational Internationalization Projects at Universities: Planning and Implementation
- Clara Decelis Grewe, Tamara Appel
- Fachhochschule Dortmund
- 2024, 38 pages, ISBN: 9783948228040
The aim of the InduTwin project is to establish strategic cooperation partners at partner universities in China and Latin America for three central Bachelor's programs at Fachhochschule Dortmund. The project initially focuses on the subject areas of digitalization, Industry 4.0 and logistics, which are particularly relevant in Dortmund and in the partner countries. To this end, Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts is building on the largest dual Bachelor's program in Software and Systems Engineering (Faculty of Computer Science), the Bachelor's program in Mechanical Engineering/Production Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) and the Bachelor's program in International Business (Faculty of Business Studies).
In consultation with the university and company partners, a comprehensive model project aims to internationalize Dortmund's Bachelor's education and promote the Fachhochschule Dortmund model in China and Latin America.
Der Fächer : Yearbook for good teaching, learning, knowledge transfer and cooperation - Issue 2, 2023
- The Rector of Fachhochschule Dortmund, Tamara Appel (Ed.), Editors: Lina Schmitz, Mirka Fuhrmann
- 2023, 81 pages
In 2023, "Der Fächer" will once again provide insights into teaching, studying and research at Fachhochschule Dortmund. This year's main topics are diversity, educational equity and sustainability.
Der Fächer : Yearbook for good teaching, learning, knowledge transfer and cooperation - Issue 1, 2022
- Fachhochschule Dortmund (Ed.), Editors: Lina Schmitz, Mirka Fuhrmann
- 2022, 191 pages
"Der Fächer" is the new yearbook for good teaching, learning, knowledge transfer and cooperation at Fachhochschule Dortmund. It was designed by students and lecturers from the Faculty of Design.
"Whether unusual colors or numbers in all shapes - the creative minds have created a very special design," writes Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel, Vice Rector for Teaching and Studies, in her greeting. "You will see that the texts also have their own character: sometimes more factual and sometimes more emotional. We have not standardized them and left the individual style. Because we are here in the Ruhrpott and it is particularly true that we have found different paths to the university of applied sciences. Whether A-levels, studies, master craftsman or master craftswoman - teaching and learning thrive on diversity."