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News from Fachhochschule Dortmund



Dragon boat race

Strong improvement: FH team in 12th place out of 27


Wet and satisfied: After the final race, the FH team looks back on a successful day of racing.

The performance curve of the Fachhochschule Dortmund dragon boat team points steeply upwards: the FH team plowed through the Phoenix Lake in Fachhochschule Dortmund more than four seconds faster than 2023 at the final on Sunday, 25 August.

The FH team was also well ahead in the overall standings. In the middle performance class ("Materna Cup"), the FH employees raced in the highest final - in 2023 it was the middle final in the lowest performance class. This time, they covered the 250-meter course in 1:13.07 (2023: 1:17.61).

In the timed races, the FH team had qualified for the highest final in the Materna Cup with two even faster runs: Both runs took exactly 1:11.40 each - that's an average speed of 12.61 kilometers per hour.

The trophy will be presented as a challenge cup to all departments of Fachhochschule Dortmund in succession.

Around 25 FH employees took part in the race day. As there was only room for 18 people in the boat plus the drummer (Jana Poestges, Faculty of Design) and the helmsman provided by the organizer, several FH employees alternated between paddling in the boat and cheering on the shore so that everyone could paddle along.

Two members of the Rectorate, Chancellor Svenja Stepper and Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Stephan Weyers, also took part. Rector Prof. Dr. Tamara Appel watched the final from the shore and celebrated the final result with the team.

Ideal mood

With free water ice and sunglasses, shady spots and deckchairs, the FH stand was a busy place throughout the race day (9 am to 5 pm). Breezy, sunny late summer weather and a cheerful, sporty and family-friendly atmosphere among participants and visitors made this year's race a picture-perfect experience.

Christina Schönberger and Jonas Jagdziewski (both FH Makerspace "SQuArE") organized the FH participation including training sessions at the Herdecker Kanu-Club this year and also took part themselves.